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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Weo

  1. Reason is a mental faculty (or ability) found in humans, that is able to generate conclusions from assumptions or premises. In other words, it is amongst other things the means by which rational beings propose specific reasons, or explanations of cause and effect. In contrast to reason as an abstract noun, a reason is a consideration which explains or justifies.

    Reason is particularly associated with human nature, that which is unique and definitive about being human. As a way of coming to conclusions, it is often contrasted not only with the ways in which non-human animals appear to make decisions, but also with decisions based upon authority, intuition, emotion, mysticism, superstition, and faith. Reason is thought by rationalists to be more reliable in discovering what is true or what is best. The precise way in which reason differs from emotion, faith, and tradition is controversial, because all three are considered to be both potentially rational, and potentially in conflict with reason. and based on this fact damien should be chosen to do this important mission during the gameplay in the mr green zombie survival server and hopefully this chosen person will silence those underage mic fags and stop the bad game exprerience...

    in other terms : Damien would be good admin.

  2. hmm perhaps advanced users could get these difrent kind of weapons... perhaps and upgrade? or level?

    there could be difrent weapons made by difrent kind of people like another competion for weapon... made with weapon construction kit ofc...

    i shall talk to necro

  3. zombine hp is ok now... perhaps slightly decreasing hp will make it perfect... the thing about zombine is that all noobs use it to nade spam and the poison grenade just drives me to rage the server.

    solution -> remove poison grenade and make damage requirement for nades

    also perhaps making it walk when it takes the greande (not being able to sprint) so its kinda like last damage to human.

  4. Well I still like the wraith now-a-days :)

    Its more epic imo.

    Old wraith (you mean when it was totaly invisible or what), which was seen on movement was lame. It could be easilly seen.

    Howler does epic "Bullet shield" and can howl players. I think its okay (If you wanna scream someone with wraith, just teleport near him).

    I think that it might be like that: Old wraith attack + todays wraith ghost effect & teleport would do. (This option was already listed)

    you used it wrong :D it was awesome back then... not OP like now

  5. Ethereal's are still way too... i mean think about what normal zombie got

    zombie = 220 hp, pretty strong attack, normal walking speed, slow attack speed... what else?

    Ethereal = 60 hp,invisible,teleport,scream,pretty strong attack speed + 100 % if attacking back, fast walking speed,normal attack speed... and they take only like 1 or 2 + zombies to starting amount.

    only bad thing is that they got lower hp


  6. good... when does this come online? or when it will be downloaded from SVN to server?

    btw it should't be like if ethernal pushes attack... it comes visible for like 5 seconds or is it alredy like that?

    if its not then people just click really fast and no one sees.

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