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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Weo

  1. deaf... i like to see stuff :D

    would you rather spend you entire life having awesome job but low cash (not so low on cash that you would need to live in slums) or shitty job with alot of cash (not millionare or that stuff)

  2. ]I'm in the classroom with all my classmates. Just chatting about everyday things, when all of a sudden some other student sits next to me. I've never seen him before. I'm thinking "Guess he's here to fix his test results." He asks me "Uh.. 10..C or A, right?".

    never seen him before? in that dream you felt like that or what?

    cause human brain cannot generate persons.

    btw you have shitload of text... i only read the first one xD

  3. have you heard that saying ''if you see 1 dream multiple times, it comes true''

    then i'm in trouble because this is my classic dream (haven't seen it for years now... huh)

    my family goes into 1 farm house and after we look little bit around i see that haystack starts moving... i go say it to my parents but they don't listen. i go back and haystack starts chasing me and my brother... i run to my parents and they see it too.everything in the house starts moving! everyone runs to the door and i fall down and i see door closing and then i wake up...

    holy fuck what just happened i think when i wake up. i have seen that dream for like 4 times now.

    this was shortened version...

  4. Left4green.com minecraft server RP jobs:

    miner - mines stuff.

    farmer - farms sugar and barley.

    shop keeper - sells and buys resources.

    hunter/ranger - hunts for meat,leather and wool.

    forester - cuts trees and plants sapling.

    blacksmith - makes weapons and sells them.

    soldier - active soldier 2 types -> archer (haves longbow and light armors) and footman (haves heavy armors and sword)

    ranger - keeps the section clear from enemies and unwanted stuff.

    builder - builds/repairs stuff.

    founder - creates new villages (admins or respected)

    sounds good?

    changing the job should be quick and easy. but not so easy that you can do all of them.

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