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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Ruff

  1. I just released a new single off my album. Have a listen! Simon Ace - Welcome to the Jungle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DVs5RA5Jn0
  2. Short Biogr​aphy Simon Ace is an European rapper from Estonia. Ace is also one half of the rap duo Extinction Plaza (the other half being Whale PowerS). After making instrumentals for years, he took on the path of a recording artist and started writing songs. In 2012 he moved up his rap game and recorded vocals on top of his instrumentals, and started releasing them for free. He is currently working on his solo debut album which he plans to release soon. NEW!!! RELEASED MY FIRST SOLO ALBUM FOR FREE! SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/simonacexxx/sets/oberonBANDCAMP: http://simonacexxx.bandcamp.com/album/oberon
  3. Should be fixed now. Renamed the spawns.
  4. CTF Island Fight Two islands connected by a long narrow bridge, which should make pushing people into the water have a whole new definition. Both islands are shielded by fences for the purpose of being destruction derby arenas. Flags are trapped in narrow passages on both of the islands. Vehiclechanges + repairs/nitros + over 40 spawnpoints. Enjoy! CTF-IslandFight.zip
  5. Ruff

    hidden cars

    It seems as if people are trying to reduce lag inch by inch. But the thing is - it's a video game and if your computer can't take it, buy a new one or just don't play. Life's a bitch innit
  6. To be honest, if you have time to play video games, you have time to wait those extra 1-2 minutes between a map. It's not like your time's wasted, is it..
  8. I'm pretty sure that was english. Translation from english to english: TopCrew states the rules. We follow them. It's that simple No shit Sherlock, the 'what' was rhetorical. You're acting as if mere suggestions were banned from this 'supereme ideology'.
  9. I'm just saying this would help the server. Suggesting ideas. "Not up to you to question the rules" .. what..
  10. I understand being from a clan might bring corruption to the server but that's just politics and bureaucracy. What harm could that do in MTA? It's not like people will sabotage the server and take it over, this is not Hitler's Germany. I think changing that rule would be able to help us in this situation. Of course, it would have to be a reliable person but that's with any other app as well.. (I'm talking about TicToc or someone like him becoming a mod/low level admin)
  11. BinSlayer will never remove shitty maps. End of story.
  12. Something I did in today's physics class I have a whole folder full of diff. doodles and drawings though.
  13. Ruff


    Thanks everyone! We're already thinking of a new short for another competition. I'll keep everyone updated!
  14. Ruff


    This time we got the second place, worthy of 500 Euros. First place was claimed by Rain Aunapu with his film "Facebox". The voters' favorite was Taavi Lüttsepp's film "Roheline Kits". (I have to say we were leading for a whole month and fell 9th on the last day of voting due to someone's PHP-voting-script which brought us ~3000 1's overnight) More information (in Estonian): http://novaator.ee/ET/idee/kes_on_tanavuse_novaatori_videokonkursi_voitjad/
  15. What the hell would that help? People keep coming. We need more admins!
  16. Ruff

    Stinky map's!

    The very basics of creating a good map. Couldn't have said it better.
  17. That would mean every single map has to be explored for narrow spots and whatsoever. Who the hell is going to do that? We have over 1000 maps.
  18. I said this will be impossible because some maps are really narrow, and you say this should be implemented and tested? I really don't understand...
  19. Are you completely ignoring what I'm saying?
  20. Are you kidding me? I know your English isn't perfect but surely you should understand what hulpje said - some maps are not very wide, therefore if you put barrels in a narrow map, it's IMPOSSIBLE to avoid them which makes the whole concept stupid. The idea is good, it's just not reasonable enough for 50% of the maps. Don't give up suggesting ideas, just think everything through and don't get pissed off at other people for pointing out your wrongs - it's called criticism and right now it's just about giving this idea a reality check.
  21. Why isn't this topic closed already? Obviously due to narrow maps, this feature can not be implemented.
  22. Not to continue the offtopic but I think this guy's talking about creating his own server with the same maps (card).
  23. From here, the application looks great. Your English is very good as well. I have a dream where there would be 5-6 admins on constantly, to form a fun group to help each other manage the server. I approve this. (Oh and make sure you're on IRC since Ywa is an IRC-Fanatic)
  24. Good point. Narrows maps would be a killfest.. And I already thought this could actually be implemented for fun : ( (Nevertheless 50 would ensure spamming. 200 is just enough to ensure a victory.)
  25. Not to say that I am against this idea, for improvement I suggest the following: Cost of one barrel - 100GC/200GC And you can't place a barrel unless you are away from other drivers (like when the GM switches off - at a certain distance from others). Might actually be fun and challenging, considering that Mr. Green's MTA server is not a pro-racing server, more of a fun-type of a server. Why not..
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