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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by V4POR

  1. If you really judge on the present situation, then here they are: Constant Provoking/Insulting: (provoking by making ironic comment of my skills) (forcing me to feel embarassed, definitely toxic behavior) (Insulting my skills, provoking) (provoking) (insulting) (provoking comments about my skills) Buying maps to make "revenge" for a player he doesnt like and beat his top. Specify which maps? I don't think I need to explain that he aims to buy whichever map this players has tops on. Like I said, MoroccanJOB could specify maps, as gromghost mainly did this method with him. Ramming and blocking on purpose, Happened a lot in the past, I did not use any video recording software. He simply took advantage of the "ramming is allowed" trump card, and used this to annoy me, and make me insult him. (Then ofc, got punished for insulting) If he did such thing before, then I think you should realize it's not unlikely he is capable of doing it again. Manipulating admins, Using his reputation to escape punishments Was explained on the MTA section post, text is too long to paste here. Recently, he made advantage of his reputation, again. DId not even get warning, despite suggesting Mateoryt to do something. (It's still sad that the MTA bot doesn't log the \lol command, Sandy used this to provoke me, whenever I failed) All Mateoryt did that I should \ignore him. Despite telling on the MTA section post that it's literally impossible to ignore him, he will make sure you won't ignore him, and will still make provoking comments. At this point, wouldn't be easier to just punish him instead? This again proves that having a reputation makes you avoid punishments. This also proves that grom is not even worrying about the report, because he got too comfortable by getting the reputation from admins. If you also judge on the past situation, let me know.
  2. Your ingame name: V4POR The player's name who you are reporting: gromghost Which server are you requesting this? MrGreen Race The reason why this player should get banned: Constant provoking, Insulting, Buying maps to annoy other players, Buying maps to make "revenge" for a player he doesnt like and beat his top, Ramming and blocking on purpose, Manipulating admins, Using his reputation to escape punishments Yes, you can see it right. A forum report in 2024, even myself could not believe I have to do such a thing like that, when most of the active people have already moved on. I’ve decided to explain my problems with this player in a separate post. I will post it to the “Multi Theft Auto” section, because I feel like other players who don’t visit the forums should be informed about this, as well. (As Multi Theft Auto posts appear in-game as a “Recent topics” section). This will be a LONG READ, so I suggest reading it if you don’t mind reading long entries. If you do not understand what's so wrong with this player, I hope you will get close to understanding it. As he did not change after 5 years (!), and still keep provoking me afterwards, he made me leave no other choice. The post:
  3. I've never thought I would ever write a report on the MrGreen forums in 202-goddamn-4, but believe it or not, certain things led me to write something like that. It's really hard to begin a topic like this about a player who has a really long history of toxic behavior. So I've decided to split this topic into important questions, and I’ll answer each of them. In the past 6 years since I’ve joined this server, I’ve met several players who showed toxic behavior. Some were manageable, some were annoying, and there were some who made me write reports. But none of the players come close to a certain player who kept ruining my time on the server whenever he was online, kept me getting into trouble, kept me lose my reputation, all this for multiple years. You can call him Sandy, Grom, SilentBeast, ElGinger etc. The point is that based on my experience with him over the past years, he proved to the most annoying player I’ve ever met. Yes, he is worse than Kash, worse than Dziny, worse than Tamam, and he even makes Boyka, who just recently got banned, a good guy. Previous cases I’d like to start my report by showcasing older forum topics that had a connection with him. Why? Because I don’t see that he changed his behavior ever since, the only difference I see is that he does not get punished anymore and he bypasses any judgements. As you will see, toxic behavior was already no stranger to him. https://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/19978-abuser/ https://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/19763-blocker https://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/19657-rascism/#comment-155200 This one is a perfect introduction of his behavior, if you haven’t been familiar for him. He already picked on some player, and targeted him by blocking him and insulting him. Both of them were obviously on purpose. Interestingly, the approach of admins were way different, and Cena suggested a mute/ban for him. https://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/16577-sandysweet-says-goodbye/?do=findComment&comment=136569 Besides you can clearly see he is egoistic, I only include this topic, because another player’s feedback about him: “ I am glad you are going. I never liked you. I am a hater. ONLY BECAUSE 3 years ago you used to swear a lot to my nation and my country, claiming things that weren't true and pissing me off.” This explains a lot again. https://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/19900-admin-abuse/?do=findComment&comment=158125 I’ve also included this post because another player’s feedback: “Sandy man , u need to change your attitude man..your so toxic...I remember once when u says to a BR guy that he live in a slum , things like this...may offend the rest....calm man..” https://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/19747-and-the-saga-continues-starring-cena-and-stig/#comment-156556 Included this because of Cena's explanation. https://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/13096-sandysweet-blocker/ A really old post, showcases his toxicness regardless. The only difference in the past few years is that he used the “ramming is allowed” trump card to piss off people. https://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/20108-addressing-the-corruption-in-mr-green/#comment-160273 Easily the most important topic in this aspect, and the reason why I’ve decided to create this section. It shows how much of a troubleful person he was in the past, and how much he manipulated people to give him a false picture of a “nice, helpful dude.” Meanwhile, all he cares about is being the no.1 player and the fact that players are looking at him as a Saint. Interestingly, admins saw through him, and did not give him a free hand back then. Cena explained the situation about him in 2018: “Sandy is just simply a troller. No matter how many times I mute him or any other admin mutes him. He still acts the same. I always try to go easy on him and remove his mutes and even bans for a "2nd" chance, but he just never learns. I gave him uncountable chances so far. What did he do after getting banned by SkyNET? He came to forums and starting talking about how he is great and how bad MrGreen is in the chatbox.... If he have been quiet. He would have been unbanned by now. After he did that I banned him in forums for ~2 weeks. Idk if he is even bothering to visit the forums anymore, but idc about him because he doesn't care about this community or the staff. Players like Sandy treat the admins as their personal worker and not friends who are willing to help you out. "I should do whatever Sandy says". Well, that's not how it works dear Sandy. If you keep on the same bad behavior, don't expect us to treat you well.” Now, this concludes Sandy’s behavior really well. He is a complete narcissist and a manipulator, treats people like shit, and constantly provokes/insults any players that have a disagreement with him. In my opinion, this was one of the best moments in Cena's admin career, and one of his finest writings. After his unban at the end of 2018, I don’t know what went wrong (Or I might know, will explain later), but admins completely turned a blind eye towards his actions after it. The last time he was punished was in March 2019, for 1 hour. That’s the only punishment he received after his 2018 unban. My history with Grom Now if you are still not familiar with him, you might ask “what does it have to do anything with you?” At first, nothing, as I’ve joined after his 2018 ban. I saw him as another player, just like others. At some point, I even had some respect for him ( I was still a newbie, and did not know about him and his past stuff). Some background story: I joined a non-MrGreen race clan back at the beginning of 2019. Since there was an oncoming clan war, I wanted a massive improvement of skills, and as I needed quick help, I PM’d him about tips. Why do I bring this up? Because to this day, he still brings up how much I “betrayed” him. Sandy, I will answer this for you for the last time: you proved that you’re a toxic person, so why are you surprised that I changed my attitude towards you? This also proves that if someone does not praise you, then you label someone “traitor”, like we were friends ever before. It’s your own fault that you made me lose all of my respect towards you. Anyways, the thing that ignited the whole conflict is the fact that he kept buying frustrating maps, multiple times per each day, at some point I had enough, and I “was dare” to tell him to stop buying this map, as he ruined players’ fun. As he is a narcissist person, he took this personally, and started to provoke me. After realizing that I changed nicknames and I was his “fan” (I was never his fan), he started to insult me, and got muted. This was the last time he got punished, just noting. Interestingly, right after he called me “fatya”, I got muted for answering to him, and after I got muted he called me “fatya” again which is clearly a degrading and insulting name, but he never got muted ever since. Despite this “beef”, it seemed like it would end soon after this. But as I said, he keeps provoking any person who has any kind of disagreement with him. And so he did that to me. Months after this conflict ended, he insulted me out of nowhere ,and still called me that insulting name. (Previous case happened on April 2019, and this happened on July 2019) And yes, this has been going on for 5 years. Ever since, he keeps provoking me in literally any form. Even if we ignore his 2 years break, it’s still around a 2 and a half years time period. 2 and a half years of provoking/insulting players, ruining others' gameplay, manipulating players, ramming others, all this without getting punished. At one point, I had enough, didn’t want to deal with him anymore, and told him that we should end this. He simply reacted with the /lol command. (Too sad that the MTA bot doesn’t log the /lol command. Also, if you find this conversation, I would be thankful, I’m also certain he wore the “jobbysdaddy” nickname). He doesn't want me to move on from being annoyed by him constantly, and kept provoking afterwards… …Until this situation became even worse. On some bike map, he rammed me for purpose, laughed at me, I insulted him back for being a dirty rammer, and got muted by Haxardous. I obviously didn’t find it fair, wanted to complain about it, got banned for it. And just because this player being toxic, I had to embarrass myself by writing an unban appeal, and saying things I did not even want, just to being able to play on the server, and of course, Grom was not punished. This made me realize that this player’s toxicness is unlike anything I’ve seen before, and the fact that I could never respect or like a player like this. The conflict obviously did not end even afterwards, as Gromghost kept provoking me, whenever both of us were online. Then suddenly in 2021, he disappeared without a trace. I thought he finally moved on from constantly making people angry in an online game, and I considered this era to be over. Until, out of nowhere, he returned in July this year. I was trying to ignore this fact, as 3 years passed since, so I played like nothing happened. But it did not take a long time until I had to realize he did not change, at all. Don’t misunderstand, it’s just one of his provoking attempts, and he still keeps insulting my skills. And continued it like that 3 years break never happened. He is still active to this day, and I simply still cannot play peacefully, whenever he is around. I could post more screenshots about his behavior, but this post will already be very long. As he kept behaving the same, I simply had no other choice other than finally making a report about him and explaining everything. But as you can see, it’s not easy to make a simple report about a player who kept ruining my gameplay for 2 years. And this makes you question the following… Why did you not report him before? Simple answer. Because back then I thought I didn't need a forum report, I thought admins will see how toxic this person is, and will punish him. This attitude was a mistake from me I admit, as even admins did not understand what my exact issue was with him. Also, I ignored the fact that he was manipulating admins, so I saw no point in making a report, because they would protect him regardless of me making a ban request or not. But about one year later, I realized that I should’ve definitely made a report, to make a more clear picture. It made me feel regret. As he did not improve his behavior, even after 3 years, I won’t make the same mistake. So I will start by explaining why he has such toxic behavior, unlike anything I’ve experienced before. Using “Buy Map” function to provoke me and other players I will start with the “smaller” problems, and proceed into the more serious ones. Despite this being the “smallest” problem, this was really an annoying phenomenon, and this behavior started our whole conflict. Based on my experience on MrGreen, this behavior is not uncommon, but without doubt, Sandy’s method was the most frustrating. There were many occasions that he bought a frustrating map he likes, just for the bonus purpose to annoy me. And if you think this wasn’t bad. He did that almost every time when both of us were online, I’m almost certain that sometimes, as soon as he saw me joining, he started to buy whichever bicycle map or long frustrating map to annoy me. I know, punishing someone because of that isn’t simple, because “Buy map” is a function everyone has a right to use, and pick whichever map he/she wants. But if someone exploits that and uses that to troll/annoy players, then I think that player should receive a warning for that at least. As Gromghost made many players leave when he bought these kinds of maps. The following thing may not belong to this section, but it’s somewhat related to it. If a player he dislikes has a top1 on whatever map, he buys it just for the purpose to beat his top. And if he can’t beat it for the 2nd time, then he buys it for the 3rd time, then for the 4th time…until he won't beat that top. I think this behavior is absolutely disgusting, and I’m kinda surprised no one even noticed it or spoke against it. It’s basically ruining others’ fun and achievement for purpose. I do not know how exactly I could prove this, but he mainly did this thing with the player MoroccanJOB, so he could prove it I think. Then just recently, he accused me of being partly the reason why MrGreen servers are empty nowadays. Because in his opinion, the server got flooded with “ffs-like” maps. These are funny words from a person who did more damage to the player base than these “ffs” maps. Basically, if these new maps wouldn’t exist, I think even fewer players would be online. At least, Maza, Nikolaz and others keep joining to make new tops. Provoking and insulting, egoism Gromghost has been playing here for 12 years at least, he got punished many times in his first 6 years, so he had to use other methods to annoy players, and he developed it by making provoking comments instead, without harsh insult words. As I’ve told before, if you have any kind of disagreement or criticism towards this player, he will take it personally, and will aim to ruin your game, and provoke you in any possible way. He especially likes to insult your skills and your map taste. This pairs with his extreme egoism, even Kash is not this much of a narcissist. In fact, Grom has a pretty fucked up mindset: if you are not skilled, your opinion does not matter. This player thinks he is some god-like entity, and he degrades players by calling them their “son” or calling himself their “daddy”. I don’t think I should explain why it’s toxic. The thing you must know about Gromghost is that unlike most players, he actually enjoys being insulted, he enjoys being criticized, he loves the fact that he pissed you off, it’s his joy seeing you frustrated. This makes him literally impossible to ignore while he is online, especially with the fact that he keeps provoking you, even if you try to ignore him. It’s even difficult to report him, because usually he picks his words cautiously. He also likes to call you insulting nicknames, without getting punished, of course. Manipulating admins and players If you are still not convinced at this point, then we’re entering a territory where things get even worse. This is the absolute rock bottom category. There were/are a large number of pro players on this server, most of them aim for a good toptime for fun or for having an adrenaline boost by having competition. However, Gromghost took this way too far. As he basically used his skills to build his personal cult around him. And I’m not making this up, this actually happened. Grom is different from your average toxic player: an average toxic player picks up his “victim” randomly, he insults any person randomly, but a player like Gromghost doesn't necessarily insult anyone. If you pass his criteria: you must obey him or give him a compliment, to build his ego. At very least, you have to be neutral, you cannot have any criticism towards him, otherwise he will start degrading you. Also, if you are an admin, you don’t have to worry about him insulting you, as he is too afraid of that, especially since admins saw through him in the past. And that’s the source of the main problem. If you are familiar with the MrGreen lore, you know that Kash took advantage of him being friends with MoshPit, and used him as a “shield” to prevent him from being punished, and used him to “terrorize” players who had any conflict with him. Grom basically doubled the stakes, and did the exact same thing with Berg and Haxardous (and who knows what other admins), although he never threatened me with them punishing, because he didn't need to. Just the fact that he is friends with these admins was enough to avoid punishments in the past. Except for the 2019 case when he got muted, whenever I had an argument with him, admins always stood next to his side, never muting him, never warning him. Simply the fact that he was allowed to wear the provocative nickname “jobbysdaddy” for months (!) back in 2020, without any warnings is enough to prove this. Berg completely turned a blind eye on him, as the fact that he is a so-called “legend” was enough for him to gain respect for Sandy. In the screenshot above, he should’ve been neutral, and warned both of us. He choosed to warn me only, despite him knowing that me and Grom don't have the brightest history with eachother. Haxardous did the same, but it seems like he respected him even more, as he kept cheering him with “grom kicking ass”, “grom destroying tops”, “no.1”. If anyone, he should’ve realized that this person is egoistic, based on the messages he sent. This is proof that earning a reputation makes you almost immune to punishments. (This happened to multiple members who caused problems despite their reputation, but obviously Sandy is the perfect example of that.) Back then, Haxardous took his admin (way too) serious back then, but despite that he also turned a blind eye on Sandy. For Haxardous, Berg and for literally anyone: don’t call him “legend” or “no. 1”. This will boost his already enormous ego, and will use this reputation to take advantage of it. As Cena explained at that 2018 post: Players like Sandy treat the admins as their personal worker and not friends who are willing to help you out. "I should do whatever Sandy says". Well, that's not how it works dear Sandy. If you keep on the same bad behavior, don't expect us to treat you well.” Even as today, players look at him as a legend, and he uses this to make him “untouchable”. “What’s your problem with Sandy, he’s a good guy”. Because that’s what he wants to hear, he makes sure that his good connections are enough to not believe players who are legit bothered by him. For those who ask “Why such long text? Why are you so obsessed with him?” In the past, this player caused so much trouble, it’s impossible to explain it in a few sentences. Also, he made sure that almost no one would believe someone who legit has problems with him, and wants to report him. That’s why I had to explain everything in a lengthy post. (Even now, I feel like I missed a dozen of things.) On different platforms, from different people I’ve heard that “I’m obsessed with him.” I actually think the opposite, he surely enjoys the fact that I dislike him, and the fact that I cannot do anything against him. If I mentioned him when he was not around, that was because it was really frustrating that he got away while ruining others' gameplay. For years. I made this post, because he gave me no other choice. If he returned as a normal player, I would not write this post, as it would have been too late for that. But he is a player just like Mariana and Kash. Never changes attitude, no matter how many chances they get. Conclusion What should I say at the end? I think I’ve explained almost everything. Even if I didn’t, I might update this post. When I said he is worse than Kash, Dziny and Tamam, I meant it. Kash and Dziny caused big troubles, but at least they were some sort of meme materials sometimes. Sandy is not even meme material, I just feel annoyed when he is around on the server. Tamam could be worse, because his insults were harsh, but in his case, if you reported him, he got punished, simple as that. You cannot do that with Sandy, or I really hope that after this post, it will change to “could not do that”. Sandy got away from punishments for too long, he got very comfortable with it, and he still thinks he can do whatever he wants. I’ve tried to tell him that I do not want to deal with his bullshit when he is online, he has not listened ever since. Update: Right at the time I was about to finish this, I just saw him insulting another player, for whatever reason. This is the “legend” you are idolizing.
  4. You're a cool member, and I miss you on the chat. But you have to tone down/decrease the amount of trolling, I guess the overdose of it was the reason of your punishment. Otherwise, almost 2 years have passed, things have changed, so I think you deserve another chance. (Especially since other member received like a 10th chance, and that other member did worse things in MTA than just trolling) I wish you good luck.
  5. I didn't deny that you were active back in 2022, because that's when you decided to start hosting Polish Paradise meeeting, if I'm right.
  6. Introduction Hi there! It's been a long time since I've posted a topic on forums, especially about the state of MrGreen Gaming, but I think it's about time to write my opinions/suggestions again about several sections of this community (and share a bit of spotlight to the good ol' forums). Sadly, Cena stopped making his ownership posts, as he's not the owner anymore, so I've decided to post this in a topic dedicated to my thoughts. Also, it's been 5 years since I've registrated on MrGreen (It's incredible how time flies), so that's my other (and smaller) reason to make this post. If you're not a fan of long texts and essays, then I have bad news for you again, because I've been writing this post for a few days, and it will be a long read. Without any further ado, let's share my thoughts about the many aspects of the community. Playerbase Let's get through the unpleasant part, first. Green has been already suffering from losing playerbase since 2019. However, COVID-19 happened, and because the quarantines, players wandered back to the MTA servers, and the player count was increased drastically, and the servers felt like back in the old days. But as it was about to be over and COVID went more silent, players has been abandoned MTA again sadly, and Green's playerbase decreased back to 2019 state. Unfortunately, some Turkish players DDOS'd the servers in September 2021, and after that event, that's where I spotted a major dropdown at the already-not-so-big player count. There were only 3-5 players on each of MTA servers average on daily level. This is not really the fault of MrGreen, as of since 2022, the whole playerbase of MTA has been decreasing as well, and even the MTA Racing Community (which includes players who play on other race servers) is barely active now. However, since December 2022, the situation has became a bit better, as the online players count has increased. Not back to the 30-players-daily level, but it's still some nice achievement, especially after everyone thought Green is about to end. Even some old faces returned to the server, like sneezy, martin11, Brolius etc. So I can say that Mrgreen still holds up today, even if MTA is dying, but I will discuss the further details later. As the players themselves. For exchange of player loss, I think the playerbase got actually better, since me and others don't have any issues with majority of the current active players. Yeah, there are some faces who cause troubles sometimes, but toxic players've been around since the birth of online gaming, and I think the percentage of them is low nowadays. The chat also seems friendlier now, I mean just compare it to some chat from 2018-2020. I'm also surprised that there're still active teams, even if the player count isn't the same as in old times. So at least I end this section with positive notes. My old suggestions retrospective https://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/21917-ownership-jan-2019-jun-2020/#comment-174080 Under Cena's post from back in 2020, I posted various suggestions about improving the servers. Most of my suggestions weren't applied actually, I think they were too subjective (like custom emotes for example, also noone really misses music player except for me.) But I still would happy if some of my points would be applied, such as extended top leaderboard of the map where you could have the ability to see ALL the toptimes from a map, not just the top30. Also, I would like to see all players on the Leaderboards (Race,NTS etc) who have 1 point at least. I still agree that reroll item should be free, but as Nick_026 said, the economy system of Green is kinda broken already, so I can understand why it isn't. But actually, my "stability/bug fixes" suggestion which was really important, has been applied at least, so this section also ends with a positive note. Is Forums dead? Well, the activity of forums weren't that high already back in 2018-2020, but at least there was something to read on a daily level. But as of 2023, the forums became inactive, and there are little to no new posts except Event posts, and a few reports (it's interesting that report section didn't migrate successfully to Discord). The reason is not a mystery actually. The users are still active, just on another platform. MrGreen has a Discord server since 2016, and it's much more easy to use that for discussions. So people just use the Discord server if they want to communicate with other members from the community. Ofc, there are users who still visit the forums on a daily level, like Quad_Tube, but I find a bit sad that there isn't really anything new to read for them. As you noticed, the Chatbox has been removed for reasons I don't agree with. I can't deny that Discord has been much more relevant, but as I told, there're some users who still visit Forums, and don't use Discord. And chatbox was a nice feature for them to communicate, and overall it was part of the forums since 2006, the beginning of MrGreen. Some new contents have been added to forums, like ranks and achievements. They make the forums more colourful and modern, but I haven't seen anyone talking about these features. So what's the future of forums? I think it will be around still, but the activity won't increase as Discord has just replaced forums. It's still nice to have as an alternate and the homeplace of reports and long posts like I do (Discord has a character limit.) HUD/Features Some really good improvements here. I think the new race rankboard HUD was already there when I commented under Cena's topic, but I still think that it looks awesome, and it's a HUGE improvement over the old one. There was a period when timeout was a big issue, but thankfully it's also been fixed since then, and the connection is fine nowadays. Also, you have 4 vote options for a while, another update I really appreciate. Map costs has been lowered too, and I can't argue with that for obvious reasons. However, maintaining a team is still expensive, so if you want to make a team, make sure it will have decent amount of members, and it will stay active. As there is a huge number of inactive teams. Talking about teams, I still think there should be more owners, because cases like the owner will become inactive or banned. Stats board also shows if you play on keyboard, or on controller. And now, the whole server is controller supported as well! (You can vote with using controller for example.) And a new leaderboard has also been implemented for events. So thanks to Nick_026, the server still gets updates even in 2023, shoutout to him for making the server still playable in 2023 and for still adding updates/fixes. Maps The core element of the MTA servers. As I always found the maps as important elements, I've decided to make a Map Manager application at the end of 2020, but Cena denied it sadly, because the map managers were already there, and staff thought there is no need for any. From August 2021 to February 2023, the map management was simply non-existent. As the uploader itself stopped working, so admins couldn't upload new maps and couldn't remove any maps. Thankfully, Nick_026 solved that issue as well, so a big amount of new maps have been added in 2023, thanks to the ability to upload the maps on Discord. Hell, even me started to upload maps, but their reputation is varied, since kart isn't the most popular vehicle at all. Back in 2020, majority of highly-disliked maps have been removed, and honestly, I still don't miss them, so it was definitely a good decision. As for the final note, maps section is back and shining. Discord As I've mentioned, MrGreen has a Discord server for a while, and it features some nice contents. One of the most useful features is that you can watch the live chat of both MTA, and even Minecraft servers. (And even send messages!) Other than that, you can still chat with the community's active members, especially on the #offtopic chat. This channel is very active on a daily level, so if you haven't done it yet, I recommend you taking a visit at there. There are also other MTA, Minecraft and Garry's Mod-related channels, and also channels about various games like Forza-franchise, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Euro Truck Simulator etc, so you can just find what you like. I think there should be more channels in the "Hydepark" section, about popular topics like Music, Cars, Computers, Movies etc, but as I can see, other Discord users don't have this issue. Smaller notes, but there is also a channel dedicated to free games on Steam/GoG/Epic Games, and there are giveaways also, so the Discord server is definitely worth a visit. Staff/Moderation system Was a controversial section back then, will be a conversation section now. After I've posted that suggestion about moderation/admin system under Cena's post, things didn't turn out great, as I've been in a constant disagreement with staff in various things, sometimes it even want as far as I felt I had to write a demote request. I even got banned and muted a few times, because these conflicts. So it looked like my reputation towards the MrGreen Staff (and the whole server basically) is doomed. Probably that's the reason I haven't made a post about the state of MrGreen Gaming for a while. After Cena's ownership post and the end of 2020, various staff members have became inactive, including Jack123, whose status is still being unknown today. But other admins&mods have stopped playing on the server as well while the player loss was happening. Between September 2021 and December 2022, there were barely any moderators and admins on the servers because of that. However, there was little need of them, as the chat looked empty most of the times, sadly. But as of now, players like Mateoryt, Nick_026, Z3ITM4NN and koolaid are active on Race server usually, if there is any need. (however, it's pretty rare to mute and ban someone nowadays) Mix server's population has been finally increased at the past few weeks, so Nick_026 decided to give moderator role for a few active members there. Another change to mention is that because of the many sections of Green, certain members became Managers of different platforms/games. For example, ciken has been the Head of Minecraft for a while. So the whole Staff System seems more organized now. The MTA reports on the forums are handled correctly, and the judgements overall are far more valid now than before. There are no more exception-take with a few players, which was one of my main problems back then. On Discord (especially on #offtopic), there's a small chaos (at least for me) about what's right and what's not in Staff's opinion, but this issue is much less significant than previous problems on MTA, and it doesn't really affect the mood of the chat most of the times. (Not to mention that offtopic has the same people for a while.) Back to MTA. Another thing to mention is that even long-term controversial players get a new chance, and these players...have more-and-less success with that. The 2020 me would be arguing now, but I think the moderation/administration got better overall. Other servers MrGreen isn't just known because MTA, this community is presenting themselves in other games, too. After many years, the Minecraft server has been opened again back in November 2020. In the beginning, lot of people have joined, and built stuff, sometimes activity even surpassed MTA, but sadly they have lost interest after a while. Resetting the map helped to get some players back on track. This was going well, there were even some events, but unfortunately, they have lost interest again afterwhile. Even a modded Towny server has been opened, but it earned very little success, because it was only active on its first few days, despite being a server with lots of modifications I don't know why these things have happened, but I think I have a guess. After you get every OP item on Minecraft and discovered every location around, you simply get bored of the game. As I can see today, Minecrafters are talking about tips to get the servers back on track, so the story is not over yet. Garry's Mod Zombie Survival server is the part of MrGreen I'm the least familiar about. But it's sad to hear that the server is inactive, and it might be closed now, not sure about that. As I can see, Zombie Survival is an important piece of history of MrGreen as well. I need to mention that a member called Sukkerpups opened a Valheim server back in 2021, but unfortunately, he closed the server after a few months for unknown reasons. Z3ITM4NN and events And I saved the best for last. There were some events on MrGreen back then already (for example Double GC event), but they weren't really frequent. Around 2022, Mateoryt decided to host an event called Polish Paradise Meeting. This tournament-like event is usually about playing 20 fun maps (NTS & CoreMarkers), and ofc the best 5 will get rewards. This event is only hosted once per 2-3 months, but for exchange, the player count is always high on these events (in one occasion, there were almost 60 players showing up!). Moving forward to 2023. MrGreen doesn't have a Person of The Year award, but if there would be, Z3ITM4NN would definitely take that title. His name is not unfamiliar for some, he already hosted events on other race servers before. Then he decided to return back to MTA, and host events on Green on a weekly(!) level. The player count on these events varies, sadly there were only 14 players at the end of his recent one, but I really appreciate the effort he puts to the maps and his events. He literally makes like 5-20 maps for every event, which has been hosted every week(!) as I mentioned before, so huge shoutout to him. Hell, on the past weekend he hosted 2 events. Hopefully more people will join his events in the future, because he definitely deserves it. And he is a huge help to make MrGreen an active community in 2023. Future of MrGreen? Some people were already talking about this before, but as GTA 5 is still popular, I think a fiveM server would be very handy as a new server, because fiveM race servers...are kinda dull, so I think there is a demand for an unique race server like MrGreen. However, it would take a lot of effort to develop and maintain a server like this, so this will only stay as an idea for a while. Social media I think there's been a search for a Social Media Manager in the past, but it seems like noone was interested. I actually think there needs to be one, because the YouTube channel and the Instagram page are inactive. I kinda like those compilations on YouTube, I would like someone to continue that series. Or maybe someone should upload Event Highlights etc., too. Final Notes I don't really know the fate of MTA, but after hearing rumours about SA:MP listing shutting down, I'm worrying a bit, but let's hope that MTA will stay for a long time, as it's still a good experience in 2023. I actually think MTA is the game I've been playing for the longest time, and this server is a part of my entertainment since 2018, and it's great to have MrGreen even in 2023 as an active community. Let's see what the future holds.
  7. Looks like never.
  8. So in other words, you will get slydog here, and he will tell the same thing. (While he is being toxic with me as well). And one final question: Why the hell do you want to "bath" me? You make fun of me liking kart maps, and about my stats on race. And when did I made fun of your level? Stop making lies. We still aren't heading nowhere.
  9. You don't have any authority to mock my stats, like in the screenshot I posted.
  10. By the way: on Discord, I only mentioned you buying the same maps, but I haven't mentioned your behavior. But you still took it personally, and started to mock me in-game...which led the situation we are currently in...and I think it will not lead anywhere. Staff might think there is no other option than punishing both of us, because of a case which could've been discussed in a way more peaceful way betwee us, if you would actually behave maturely. So congratulations for that Diablo, I guess...
  11. Even if you can spend your greencoins the way you want, you have to accept that there will be players who don't like your bought map. That's why I prefer to buy my preferred maps when there are less players around. Insults doesn't equal with critics. With your logic, I could report you as well, because you are making fun of me enjoying kart map. How can I be like Mariana by having a bad opinion about some of your maps and promap?
  12. So you're actually reporting because I was dare to criticize your maps? It's so cringe. You shared these maps to the public, so you have to accept that not everyone will like them, and I think it's no problem by someone sharing their negative opinion about a map. Actually, it's a right to share your opinion, negative or not. There are more dislikes than likes on my map, but I don't complain about it. And if there are valid critics for my maps, I do listen to them openly. That's the difference between us.
  13. You decided to report me and were trying your best to catch harmful messages from me, but those screenshots are the best you can come up with. And based on those screenshots, I shouldn't really comfirmed as a "very toxic player" I'm fine with players, until they ruin my fun. And you enjoy buying your maps while I'm around, don't even deny it.
  14. About the second screenshot: You were mocking me as well because I like kart maps. Plus, you literally said the same thing. Why are you reporting me, when you literally did the same stuff? At this screenshot, you made fun of me, because I mentioned how you buying the same 12+ minute map every day make players quit, and my general bad experience when you're around. Third screenshot: I said that, after you made that provoking comment about me. What did you expect? That I will appreriate it? Ofc, I didn't like it, and I just had enough of his provoking comments. I leave this here, just to showcase how "calm" player you are, as you claim. And with this insult as well. I couldn't really catch this message, but hdp is acronym of "hijo de puta", a common Spanish insult.
  15. About the first screenshot: The timer was almost over, when I was there, and actually I didn't block iTuli, went reverse, so he could earned that wonderful 9th/10th place which you are protesting for. If I would really block, then other players (except you and slydog) would start complaining about me as well, but appearently, it didn't happened. And that screenshot doesn't prove anything, since it doesn't show any sign of blocking him, and there was even free space he could pass through.
  16. Additional note: "there are days when there is no admin or moderator, and on server enters noobs players and make clutters chat trash and makes it difficult for others to play server participants. They impudently block vehicles and break the rules. I visit the server very often virtually every day, so I think I would be able to make sure that nobody breaks the rules on the server." Taken from his admin application. (though he can't even do his moderator job properly.) Years later: blocks and rams on different maps, insults in pm, let other players block. That's why regular players should give feedback about a given staff about his/her job. Because not everyone takes their job seriously, and not everyone suit for the role, even if it's not paid. That doesn't mean you should use your role for your own benefits.
  17. Your ingame name: V4POR The player's name who you are reporting: H@rD$tYleRzz! (also known as Destro) Which server are you requesting this: MTA Race The reason why this player should get demoted: incompetency for being a mod, ramming and blocking as a mod, insulting as a mod, taking exceptions with players Before you read this post, I advise you to read this one as well: I'm not doing this for fun. But when a moderator(!) rams you (and even blocks you) at all 3 rounds on the map, then I get muted by him, just because I got upset (by his dirty driving), I don't really find it fair and I think it's not the right thing to do from a moderator, especially when there was already a report about him from another player. From one year ago. I will show the entire incident to you from today. I know I ain't a saint either for that insult. Should it count as breaking the rules? Maybe. Could it have been avoidable? Definitely, if he drives cleanIy (minimal requirement for a moderator), then I wouldn't get fustrated, and wouldn't have said such things in anger. I try to be nice with everyone, or at least being neutral. But when someones keeps ramming or blocking me intentionally, I lose my coolness. This applies for most of the players, even staff players get angry for that on race. The "fucking idiot" was after the 3rd time when he screwed up my race. Why can't he race clearly? Don't really get it. Does he have some personal issues with me? Tell me about it in private message, I'm listening. At the 3rd occassion he just pit-manuevered me (as a MOD, I repeat!), for whatever reason, but of course he asked about my sanity. He could just say sorry for ramming and blocking me, but no, that would be too easy, and would hurt his ego. Was just more simple to throwing around with my insult and threatening with mute. A moderator doesn't do stuff like that. A moderator would say sorry if he rams or blocks unintentionally. Or even if he does it intentionally, he should realize he shouldn't have done that and apologize afterwards. Then I would say sorry for that insult. Not that complicated, or is it. And I don't overreact this. If people think it wasn't intentional, then idk what is intentional at all. (This scene happened at the 2nd round of the map. At the 3rd round, he pit-manuevered me intentionally, sadly I didn't capture that.) A few weeks ago, he blocked me on a CoreMarker map as well. Sadly I didn't capture it (I wish, because you would see how he doesn't mind server rules while he is a MOD). But he was waiting for me with a rocket at the sewers part of the map, which is close to the finish. I thought he just stopped and gave up the map, going afk, whatever. Then he just shot me with the rocket, while he skipped checkpoints of the map. Shooting with rocket is part of that map, it wouldn't be a problem, but when he does it while skipping checkpoints and going to the end of the map, then it's considered as blocking. I don't make up stuff like that with no reason, it literally happened, even if he won't confess it. Then he pretended like nothing happened. Does he think I am stupid? So idk why, but it seems like he has some personal issues with me. Had the same problem with a previous admin, and they were used to be in the same clan in the past, interestingly. Which isn't right, because as a mod and as admin, you have to threat every person equally, yet it seems like people just forget this, and this wasn't the first case with this problem. As he took exceptions with Polish players, like Okan stated previously. You also saw what kind of messages he sent in private messages. Clearly not tolerable words from a moderator. No further comments. Conclusion: This person is just too egoistic and not mature enough to be a moderator, degrades players (calling me "not normal", and insult with racism addressed to Okan),he only sees benefits within the role he earned. I explained my problems about his driving style, and all he wrote is "ok mute" and "are you crazy", totally ignoring my point of view, and the only thing which matters to him is abusing his moderator role, block/ram me, then muting me for getting upset. (not mentioning that he insulted an another player in pm before.)
  18. Your ingame name: V4POR The player's name who you are reporting: opposition (also known as MysteriousBirdcage42) Which server are you requesting this: MTA Race The reason why this player should get punished: blocking and insulting in foreign language The time has come to make this section active again, sadly. Things go fine on the MTA Race server nowadays, but there is a troublemaking player called "opposition", who keeps ramming me, and insulting in Serbian. This player is already known among some players and admins for insulting. He caught my attention, when he started to complain about maps being replayed. Then he said he will dedicate his game to screw my game up. And so he did, because from this message onward, he kept trying to ram me in different maps. Because he plays everyday, it gets really tiring to deal with this guy, and I started to lose my patience towards him. Yes, I know about the most broken rule on the servers, aka ramming being allowed, but attempting to ram me on every single map with non-ghostmode? Really? This went for a while, until an another occasion, when he started to insult me in Serbian. And you will see that he didn't really say the nicest things. As I said, I started to lose my patience, and today he hit the final nail in the coffin, by waiting for me and blocking me on a circuit type of map. So I had no other chance, but to let others know about how dirty this player is. I know these aren't the most clear proofs possible, but it's enough to prove two things: firstly, that he headed towards me which can be seen clearly. The second thing is that he was already more than 52 seconds behind me, as can be seen on the rankboard. Which means he didn't take checkpoints, waited for me at that spot to ran towards me, which equals with blocking. (Then of course he just left the server.) So, to anyone reading this, if you see a player from Serbia with Sebastian Vettel as profile picture, be careful, because: This guy can't race clearly, and will try to aim to ram you. He keeps complaining about maps being replayed, no matter which map is about to be replayed, if it's not a CoreMarker map. In a worse scenario, there is a chance that he will insult you in Serbian, with such messages as you can read on the screenshots. Sometimes he even blocks, as can be seen on the screenshots, although if others ram or hit him, he's complaining and calls others blockers.
  19. Didn't you tell that you left green? https://youtu.be/O6wpps2N1-w
  20. Looks like he didn't pay attention to your message. Anyways, maybe he wants to inform people who use forums instead of discord or people who are constantly visiting forums, for example Dziny.
  21. Because Bluemap is way more detailed than Dynmap. Well, the chat is missing and rendering takes time, but the change is understandable. I like that the member who is constantly begging for changes, is complaining about a change.
  22. Could someone translate this?
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