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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Cowchucker

  1. Trackmania Nations Forever :D

    Can be fun... i played it with a bunch of people at this computer camp when i was ten although it got boring really fast since its the same thing over and over... you just hold the forward button lol.

    EDIT: i would like to add Sven Co-op to the bunch

  2. Maybe a damage system?

    i dunno if its possible, but damage = guns.

    it does needs a shitload of balancing tho.

    They already have a damage system on other servers and believe me it sucks ass, there is no such thing as an easy kill everyone has to get 500 damage some people can get 4 headshots to damaged zombies and get a good weapon right away but the damage system sucks ass.

  3. gm_flatgrass0005024227.jpg

    First off i just want to explain to everyone the difference between nigga and nigger, nigga means my friend, homie, or a person you know. Nigger... you know what it means. Second off i want to let everyone know this wasnt a simple 2D thing built with only boxes infact boxes were the minority in this prop draw. This was Exetremely difficult and took me 2 days to try and perfect it and it still didnt come out right.

    The little things all around the picture are tiny bikes :)

    if you dont like it please give me sympathy i tried really hard, if you are some how offended by this joke picture please contact me on the site or steam.

    P.S. couldnt find a picture of him on google so i had to look at a youtube video very hard frame by frame here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCF6MGjslpw

  4. Oh and people who sit with their ass infront off the cade arent a big problem. i discovered that you can shoot tru other humans.

    so those guys only block your SIGHT not your SHOTS

    Ok hundred lemme just get a blind fold spin me around 20 times then i will pull out a gun and see if i can shoot you......thats what its like.....except when you got the magnum everything is dead you dont even have to look. :lol:

  5. The collision system is fine how it is the only thing i dont like is miniture headcrabs blocking you but they dont do much damage anyways so i don't care that much.

    The assist system though is what really caught my attention to post in this thread, i think that it would be a great idea and would pretty much end KSing although, it should be like in TF2 where only one person can get the assist and the other person gets the kill whoever does the most damage to the zombie without actually killing it will get the point, 2 assists = 1 kill.

    Seriously this would be great to have, it will not only make the server better but it will pretty much end KSing for both zombies and humans. maybe not end it but end people complaining about it.

  6. Global warming. it is there. but its to hyped up by the media, they act like this: "OMG THE TEMPERATURE IS RAISING 1 DEGREE EACH DAY OMG OMG!!! OOOOMG...... please buy our newspaper.. we are poor"


    American weather control technology? lies.

    Dutch weather control , they want to make you guys feel what kind of weather it is in Netherlands from, September until March.


    Lies again it was our technology americans and "ruskies" are sworn enemies.... (my great grandparents came from russia to america XD) but me and darkness are tight yo homeslice G cracker We riding dis hood like a big ocean wave taken dem bitches tornados down to the hole where dem bitches suck it off

    to be honest i dont even know what i just said

  7. Nice. Would love seeing you there :awesome:

    It's kinda boring, wixern doesn't say anything, maybe you can change that :V

    I was playing with you a lot this week "Nice. Would love seeing you there" You already saw me there :lol:

    But i would love see you make another Tf2 video :D

  8. lol nice you got it up, the absolute best class we chose where no one could touch us was sniper, 8 snipers on a roof top shooting everything that moved was just amazing arrows and sniper bulelts flying everywhere.

    XD the last scene was me as sniper where i killed the dispenser and engineer with 10HP and a machete....You got blood on my knife mate

    That was great botervloot

  9. The best is playing suicidal with 128 players, it takes about 2 people to take down a simple little clot and there is over 700 zombies, the absolute funniest moment is when its 128 peopel versus a super boss about 2/3's of the population will die if not all, but he just shoots a rocket into a crowd and it kills about 10 people, i laugh so hard. when he smacks someone with his arm its an instant killand the body goes flying across the map.

    although with that many people expect lag, and dont expect to go in the shop any time soon.

  10. Play the game spore you will see how fucking big one galaxy is.
    Guys, i have only 1 thing to say about this all... PLAY SPORE!

    .....Do you like stealing my thunder?

    Cause now im gonig to find your spore creatures you created and rape them with my space age spore creatures!!!

  11. I think I got qualities of all of them. That's why I'm quite good at each class :P

    Lies i recall someone getting killed cause they went engi and i went medic, luckly you built that sentry to get revenge for you and protect me.

  12. I would like to know which TF2 character you would represent based on your qualities in real life im talking personality wise and such not physical features cause all us interweb nerds would be fast and agile(scout)

    My personality would most likly fit, scout spy and pyro. Scout im quick i got legs like a cheetah, i love running, used to be in cross country(a sport for running for those who dont know).

    a spy because i like to be in the shadows and scare people when they least expect it, i have no idea why.

    I scare at least one person everyday except my brother cause last time, I saw my brother coming to the bathroom i asked him how long he was gonig to be he said he was taking a crap. I ran to his room hid in this cabinet which held up the TV, i listened carefully to know when he was done(listened for a flush :D). I heard it closed the cabinet he came to his room had no idea i was there, he played his computer for about 30 mins then went to his bed to sleep. Must have waited there a whole hour just to scare him, once he started flipping channels i popped out and screamed really loud he got up and punched me in the face then started hitting me while i was on the ground......Worth it just to see his reaction.

    I would also be a pyro cause i have always been fascinated by fire, whenever there was a fire i would always play with it sticking things in it, seeing what would burn, what it would turn into after it was burned. But havent played with matches in a long time after i burned my whole kitchen in my old house 5 years ago...got a scar from the fire on my hand. Thank god for insurance or i would still be paying off money till today. Anyways im a pyromaniac even in killing floor that i played 10 mins ago my favorite class is firebug.

    Say who you would be then explain why.

  13. I believe there is life on other planets intelligent or non intelligent, think about it there is billions of planets just in our galaxy but there are no one knows how many galaxys but more than just ours, i do believe in UFO's because they have been dated back to times where the term UFO was never heard of. They have been in paintings back then that actually show them and the people had no idea what the term UFO or aliens even meant.

    Mars used to have water(Liquid form, they still have ice caps although they are mostly frozen solid but have been melting just like our planets ice caps.) on it an essential component of life...think about it not all of mars has been discovered maybe there is life on other planets in our solar system but who knows really unless we explore.

    Play the game spore you will see how fucking big one galaxy is.

    P.S. Most likly the governments(we all dont live under the same government) would hide something like that for obvious reasons.

    P.S.S watch the History channel and Scifi channel more(not sure if all of you guys get it probably UK does) it gives you shit loads of information.

  14. I love the gamemode idea although, humans should get only secondary pistols to start out so they can build up there aresenal, also zombies shouls get a chance to redeem this way it gives something for the humans and zombies to work for instead of just sitting there doing nothing.

    Redgord....you son of a ***** I only made a thread about that that got completly rejected by the rest of society, but when you bring it up Everybody loves it.....Speciesism thats right i said it Speciesism You all hate the cow cause of what he is on the inside!!! :lol:

    Still like the gamemode.

  15. lol i remember recently there was ten people in the server 7 "New People" 3 non new people consisting of Jak From Jaken, Blubzel, and me. We formed a secret alliance no matter if we were zombie, or human. So Jak was last human and Blubzel and i were his "Minions" 7 people tried to kill him when he was at 30 HP.

    The 7 people never knew what the Green shop even was, Jak had quick cure and was regenerating every time a fast zombie hit him. They asked why does his health keep gonig back up? Blubzel and i responded with "Hacks" then i told them that he had quick cure. They completely ignored my second comment and followed my first one and called him a hacker noob about.....9999999 times(over estimated :lol: ). They threatened to call and admin and blubzel and i were laughing so hard we decided to follow along with their calling the admin plan.

    We said "Fucknig Jak stop haxing you noob or we will get teh admin to ban your hammer! lol" the others were like SOMEONE CALL AN ADMIN!!!.

    So i said ok im going to get an admin, "/me walks up to a trash can""/me looks inside""/me says Hello any admins in there?""Ok guys no admins here."

    Blubzel was actually trying to get an admin to make the joke even better, but i told him not to cause it would be a bitch to go into the server just to find out you got 7 noobs calling one guy a hacker for buying something in the shop. So we told then noobs about the green shop and quick cure, they still didnt listen and they said "you will be sorry for this i know about 3 people on my friends list you will hack your account and will sell it to other people Good luck douchebag!"

    You have no idea how hard i was laughing during this i was tearing out my eyes!!

  16. Thanks for the support, oh also if there is too many admins for Mr.green's i would be happy to be on Team Fortress 2. I have been playing that a lot, ever since the hats came out and weapons for 2 out of 3 of my favorite characters. Mainly i have been playing recently Mr.Green's ZS, Mr.Green's Teamfortress 2 Arena and CP/CTF. Loads of fun :D.

    EDIT: Crap i forgot, i should have just edited the gameserver up top to say "oh also if there is too many admins for Mr.green's i would be happy to be on Team Fortress 2."

    Now im not sure if i should delete it or not.

  17. This sucks they replaced the part where you actually work towards getting achievements which gets you weapons and "Crapitized it" they made it so the weapons are randomly on the map sometimes and you run around trying to find them is what i have been told. but i already got 12 achievements for spy and no weapon :(

  18. The only thing i cant stand is that the final boss is the equivalent to i would say about 15 flesh pounders

    Terms so everyone understands Flesh pounders are like fucking beasts that rampage liek they are a monster truck ramming everyone in its path then stabbing and smahing you to death its just like a tank from L4D but with less health.

    the final boss has one arm that punches you really far and does a shit load of damage, he has the ability to go three times your speed if you piss him off, he can go invisible, he has a rocket launcher/Gatling gun, can summon lesser creatures..... im telling you even with a crap load of stratergy its hard to beat him.

    EDIT: LOL just went into a server with 72/100 people in it, i have no idea how they did it but they did. Its pretty laggy but people running everywhere and the monsters are 30 times harder, the boss was dead in two seconds though everyone ni the game sjhooting at him at once LOL.

    I absolutely love this game. :D

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