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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hundred2

  1. New background Redgord made it in the wallpaper thread in the Artist corner.
  2. Propkilling = The reason why i dont play other zombs then Normal and poison zomb I remembered when Bean taught me how to do it it was so awesome when i made my first tirepropkill .. And when i redeemed with only propkills. I'm lucky Bean taught me how to propkill lol
  3. My first 3000 GC The man that made it happen: Matchcow. I'd like to thank him for letting me get the 1 GC coin that got me to 3000. (lol) Now i just need another 4500 GC for comeback and i have my first upgrade
  4. You can also buy him at the burger king
  5. Yeah thats the glitch i meant to tell.
  6. Usp + crowbar. Crowbar = to kill the zombies that get back up. Usp= HEADSHOTS to bad i never get them both.
  7. Sometimes i see people redeem with last human. Is it a glitch that is kickable or is it allowed? I do hope it gets fixed. (note: i dont need to know how to do it, i find glitching a bit weak)
  8. Dont we already have a melon as head?
  9. You can buy him at the Mcdonalds
  10. Yeah, sometimes i also have invisible models. But rejoin and they are fixed.
  11. Hundred2


    I gave a friend of mine the link to this topic and he instantly took the background with the jets
  12. I dont like the dice anyway I get health when i have 100 HP and get raped when i have 75 lol Maybe masks like a mask those guys in movies who kill people with a chainsaw (hockey mask?) Or sunglasses. or reading glasses
  13. That black mesa trailer looks.. AWESOME! i cant wait to play it
  14. Hundred2


    Wow. the 2nd one. The green black explosion O.O .. Its my wallpaper now, Moar internets for you.
  15. It has be be a MP.3? if it is, i need a way to covert wav files lol.
  16. Thanks for the help . Now i need a good song wich doesnt drive you crazy after the 10th time.
  17. But i dont know how . Place a .wav sound with the same name and replace?
  18. can you replace the sounds with different ones? such as the last human song to the Banana phone song ( its an example lol ) if you can. how do you do it? after hearing REAALOOOAD 79 times i want a different one >.< .
  19. Hundred2


    Damm. youre lucky the police found it, imagine what would happen if they didn't.. I hope that guy is going to pay for that.
  20. Yeah , tanks are 4000 Hp and when they burn they loose hp. Not that burn timer nonsense ( i think) Got 7:20:20 on no mercy hospital. After the record we discovered that you can melee the locked doors open. ( exploit?)
  21. Okaay. random. Bill : FRANCIS GET AWAY FROM HER!! Francis : But shes so .. COOOOOOOL! *pow* Tank comes Francis: wow . were pwned *punch*
  22. Its worth it when you have some freinds to play with.
  23. Minigun from TF2 with 100% crits no recoil. and when they hit a surface, You get awesome smiley explosions
  24. Hmmm what are the odds of the dice for Raped/explode (nasty stuff etc) With and without lady luck? like 4/6 chance of losing without and 2/6 with lady luck?
  25. But when someone keeps calling me one. whats a good thing to say so they stop bothering me about it each time i make a kill ? Sometimes it makes me pissed because they just dont want to shut up about it. :angry Ya I said it 1-2 times in one round and never mentioned it again. So, yeh I "kept" doing it. Just slightly over exaggerating? Not you (lets forget it, okay? ) Some other guy kept bothering me 3 rounds straight, because i launched a chair at a human and he only attacked him once (and died). I dont really make a deal about something when they say it twice. But 3 rounds straight x.x .. thats just annoying.
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