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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. Officially I'm 16 years old, in reality I'm in my play-age with the cock standing still.

    Hihihi, you said cock!

    Enough with this co.. off-topic!

  2. Yeah, I wanted to say. We might go to New York for 2 years on september or later.

    So I hope that I will find some of you guys :D

    You are going to spend 2 years in NY? If so, Im planning on visiting the East Coast some time. If I do, we should hook up.

  3. So, the DoDS server has been empty three(3) weeks straight, or even more. What happened to it?

    Used to be full 12 hours/a day. We must do something to get people back in there, or we might aswell declare it dead!

    Fake player counts, more "advertising" on other servers in every game?

    What shall we do?

  4. Now when we are talking about USA, we might aswell continue.

    Anyone heard of the donut place called "Arnolds"? Anyway, we got them at Finland. and yes, its American company. Still, I saw not even one Arnold's place on the entire West Coast! Its an Finnish company.

    And compared to Arnolds donuts, Californian donuts sucked. America is suppose to be the promised land of donuts, but they were a big dissapointment compared to Arnolds.

  5. Graphics are pretty horrible.


    And the weapon sounds are pretty much the same as in all CoDs after CoD2. And I mean sucky. They sound just like airsoft guns. I dont know why wont they put an effort to the sounds.

  6. haha, It will hurt my ears the most when you guys speak, but don't worry I always bring these handy litle guys:

    *Bullshit protector*

    Hmm, I think I need some of those when us go to the US to stop getting those people who ask you for money for a charity which seems really dodgy.

    They are kinda rare, you really gotta watch out for those "END IS NEAR" and "JESUS IS COMING - ARE YOU READY" guys.

  7. Does the PS3 Media Server play MKV. files also? Or does it play one specific media file?

    Because on X360, the Window Media Center plays only the regular file used by Wind. Media Player, which is kinda crappy because most videos are MKV these days.

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