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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. Gameserver: Gmod servers/Infected Wars


    Country of origin: England.

    Link to SteamCommunity profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198004196810

    Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:

    Iv been playing Infected wars for a while now. I currently have 100+ hour's on the server and had about 200-300+ before all the stat's got reset. I think I'm fit to be a admin because I am an Active and dedicated gamer, I enjoy playing infected war's and I enjoy the community,I would also like to be an admin because It would be a new experience for me.I Think I'm mature enough to take on the duty and the weight that need's to be carried by an admin like new everyday task's, Such as sorting cheaters and abusers, Exploiter's ect.

    ---------I Have also recently been using IRC whilst I'm not on GMod. This is a great way to chat to the players and find out what's happening on the server.

    But as every server does, There are hackers. I Don't take thing's to seriously. meaning if someone's joking about me I wont go rage and Flame them. I can take thing's as a joke and ignore people that don't like me :D, although I seem to get along with most others. And Finally A bit about myself.

    My real name is Tom and I'm from England, Near London about 30 miles off.

    I'm 15 and go to school, Currently in year 10 moving up to year 11 in 2 weeks (That's the last year)

    I don't consider myself An Addict to the computer. There's just nothing to do in my village(Is my excuse anyways)

    I used to play WoW for a few year's but I got quite bored of that after a while, I got extremely bored of not doing anything.

    I Like most type's of games. Except one's that require thinking xD. Like tomb raider, I don't have the patients for games like that xD. Like fast pace shooting. play some Strat's.

    I also Do like most music. Except Rap and stuff on the lines of that. So I like Dubstep and kinda layed back music like sigur ros.

    I'm Willing to give everything a try, not matter what it is. I'm also quite comedic :D


    Fix'd a bit.

    E: Oh and good luck of course :D

  2. New info about the PC patch/update.

    "As long as this continues we are aiming to release on Wednesday (23rd) of next week. However this is dependant on how fast we can gain approval the patch is compliant with Steam. If that approval does not come quick enough the release will slip to the Monday (28th) of the week after (as it is a red day in Sweden on Friday next week and we don't release patches at the end of working weeks).

    This does mean that SPECACT kits will not be available after patching as we had hoped but all other fixes remain as does the ability to play the new modes like Map Pack #3. "



    Bazajaytee on Twitter:

    "There will be no PC patch this week, Kalms is on the case. This pushes our release to Monday next week as long as all goes well with QA/Steam :D"

  3. But I suggest you read the thread for all the answers. It isn't a thing you do just like that. It can take several weeks before you can dream lucid.

    Yea, I got this Finnish article about lucid dreaming, it has also good tips. Going to start learning it.

    Does it affect that how tired I am when going to bed? Like, should I go before midnight or somewhere around 2 o'clock?

  4. I must say a lot of this seems like bullshit to me. I doubt that gross banana-peanutbutter-stuff is gonna help. All you need to do is tell yourself to look around you and check if you are dreaming or not on the day. Then in your dreams when something happens you might decide "Hey, wait, this is just a dream!" and have a fun dream.

    Sounds fun, but don't try this. Just dream at night, don't try to be concious in them because it will happen every dream and everytime you notice you are dreaming you will probably wake up. So just wait what your dreams brings you, don't try to manipulate them.

    Being half-awake and half-asleep is dangerous, I think that results in what Burn posted.

    If you dont believe in it, why you come posting here? You dont need to believe in this, because some people can do this, for example, my friend.

  5. I heard about this like 6 years ago, then I remembered this again earlier this year.

    But I've never succeeded in it/managed to do it. Though I would like to do it.

    Any tips?

  6. I wont even listen Sneed's songs coss I dislike heavy metal :(

    O I like guns, I like the way they look, I like the shiny steel and the polished wood.

    I dont care if they're big or small, if they're for sale hell I want 'em all

    I like guns, I like guns, I like guns.

    I really like my 22 mag, 45 lever with a Winchester tag,

    I like my double barrel, had it most of my life, my 357 was a present from my wife

    O I like guns, I like the way they look, I like the shiny steel and the polished wood.

    I dont care if they're big or small, if they're for sale hell I want 'em all

    I like guns, I like guns, I like guns.

    I dont really get all the fuss, why they're tryna take our guns off of us

    Coss I ain't gonna shoot anyone, and no one shoots me, because I got a gun

    O I like guns, I like the way they look, I like the shiny steel and the polished wood.

    I dont care if they're big or small, if they're for sale hell I want 'em all

    I like guns, I like guns, I like guns.

    God made the animals, god made the trees. God made you and hell he even made me.

    He gave me this voice so I could be a singer, so you tell me why I've got a trigger finger

    O I like guns, I like the way they look, I like the shiny steel and the polished wood.

    I dont care if they're big or small, if they're for sale hell I want 'em all

    I like guns, I like guns, I like guns. I like guns, I like guns, I like guns.

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