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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. So, are you waiting it?

    I hope its gona be at least as good as the first one, and it probably will be. We'll see hows the new Destruction 2.0 in real life.

    And finally some video footage of the singleplayer released, they say its a 10 hour experience. At least the maps look awesome!

    E: Video link fix'd.

  2. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala.

    Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov.

    But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick.

    Then she went to the store, and drinked Irish Coffee. It tasted of Ireland, so, to the whorehouse with the batmobil that loved pancakes because of the mushroom kingdom was over RoboRobbs house because she wanted buttsecks due to sexy sex horny-behaviour, so she didn't talk to Mr. Obama becoss her brother was part of the Freemasons and so the Final Boss appeared.

    He raped her, and she went to rape him with the batmobil, but people close by.

    So Hundred2 bought some Ice to put on his nipples and shot Gloompf the zombie into oblivion, while EmRA was eating his cake something epic like the fastest batmobil raped his ass.

    Then the Godzilla started giving her parts of the batmobil but the stupid spiderman didnt want that to go to Candy Mountain with the batboat because she wanted to sleep with Herman the lazy, friend of the batman with a little extra.

    After that she didn't use her pyjamas. Batman wanted the demoman to go home with his mom. The Demoman wanted to fuck off.

    Then Superman appeared and vanished away.

    Another day began after all this in the M.o.N(Middle of Nowhere), but this time Cow-Orker Jim saw something that would kill you if you bumped old threads. After all, this was nothing compared

  3. Im asking to remove surf_japan_reloaded and surf_icarus from the server. Last time we had Icarus, the player amount lityrally dropped from 10vs10 to 3vs3. That ain't fun anymore. Same thing with Japan.

    And I see that the good ol' maps like surf_dust2005 and surf_mrgreen are still in the server. They're just not in the rotation. Few people have asked me that why isnt dust2005 in rotation and asked to change in it.

    Please add them to the votings?

    Nobana out.

  4. Oh and btw, why should the place be some random alley/backstreet? We usually drink at a public beach and other public places, yes the polices arrive sometimes but we dont mind.

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