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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Nobana

  1. Why do you all care that Rena is writing in a different colour anyway?

    Just because its different from everyone else?

    I dont care about the color. I just care that the damn text is in the center! Its really more annoying to read than the normal text in the left side.

  2. I've got a problem with stuff. Its bugged or something, It has purple and black squares.

    It seems like the "reflection/Lighting" stuff is broken.

    I removed the files and re-entered the server and redownloaded but it didnt fix it.

    I have this problem in CSS when I minimize the game(Alt+Tab). But instead of weapons, on my game it turns water and sometimes walls/etc. to those purple/black squares.

  3. This is mine atm.

    If you're wondering that what is that awesome and most beautiful car you've ever seen, its the new remodel of the famous Corvette Stingray C3. It was made for the Transformers 2 movie and the car won't be "mass-produced".


    And Rena, I would suggest you make stack docklets for your games/etc. Now you're whole Rocketdock is all full and too big to be beautiful.

  4. One of two nearby forests.

    This ain't so dense forest than the other, used to be all field/farmland or something like that and now only half is used as growing stuff.


    Used to be all field/farmland here.


    There used to be a barn here in the, I think it was taken down in the early 70's, because the trees are at least 20-30 years old. You can still see the wooden foundations/footings of the barn.


    And this used to be field/farmland too.



  5. Also, it's not really a coincedence it was Earth that got life-forms. Let me explain it like this: I put pots (the planets in this case) in a giant building (the universe), and I put a rose seed in all of them (our possible lifeforms). I water them all with cola, each day, every day. Most of them die, but out of all those pots (planets) there MUST be ATLEAST 1 rose that survives my cola massacre. And the rose that DOES grow is earth, in this case.

    Just/kinda like the Theory 3 in my post.

  6. Explosion of creation + Shitloads of nice coincidences creating everything in a chance of 0,005/billion.

    Exactly. It was nothing but coincidences.

    Let me quote my previous reply(pictures in finnish = you understand):

    So, here are the three main theories about how the universe was born. I roughly translated the main text into English with Google.

    Theory 1 - Big bang and inflation

    The universe was born in the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago.

    Before that there was nothing: no time, space and matter. The Big Bang expanded to become a space all at once, from vanishingly small to enormou. This, sudden bulging, is called inflation. There born the matter. The universe continues to expand further.



    Theory 2 - Cyclic Universe

    Universe-called three-dimensional space-time is part of a large 11-dimensional space-time.

    Large time-space, two 4-dimensional surface. The first surface is known universe, and the second is a parallel universe invisible to humans. The Big Bang was a collision of surfaces, which repeats once in a trillion years.



    Theory 3 - Endless Inflation

    Known universe is just bubble in the endless chain of universes. New universes born all the time, and each one is different and develops its own way. Only a small minority of the Universe has such laws of physics that allow life. Our universe got just by chance right features to have life on it.

    (See Mayco's example below)


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