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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. We got ourself's a trailer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJBigRkzxTQ
  2. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala. Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov. But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick. Then she went to the store, and drinked Irish Coffee. It tasted of Ireland, so, to the whorehouse with the batmobil that loved pancakes because of the mushroom kingdom was over RoboRobbs house because she wanted buttsecks due to sexy sex horny-behaviour, so she didn't talk to Mr. Obama becoss her brother was part of the Freemasons and so the Final Boss appeared. He raped her, and she went to rape him with the batmobil, but people close by. So Hundred2 bought some Ice to put on his nipples and shot Gloompf the zombie into oblivion, while EmRA was eating his cake something epic like the fastest batmobil raped his ass. Then the Godzilla started giving her parts of the batmobil but the stupid spiderman didnt want that to go to Candy Mountain with the batboat because she wanted to sleep with Herman the lazy, friend of the batman with a little extra. After that she didn't use her pyjamas. Batman wanted the demoman to go home with his mom. The Demoman wanted to fuck off. Then Superman appeared and vanished away. Another day began after all this in the M.o.N*, but this time Cow-Orker Jim saw something that would kill you if you bumped old threads. After all, this
  3. Make one. You cant make a fanclub for yourself.
  4. No-fucking-way. It must be fair for all players, not some WC3 modded shit where some guy has unlimited ammo and is invisible.
  5. If the GC's will arrive to CSS, am I able to use them in CSS or just in other servers? Because it would be bad if CSS servers would turn into those RPG/WC3 servers. But on the other hand, I cant figure out anything else than those WC3/RPG powers in CSS that could be used as buyable(right word) items.
  6. Cool! Am I able to get the from CSS servers too, in the future maybe?
  7. Nobana

    Admin app.

    Agreed. I've seen you in surf server couple-three times, but no more, maybe I've just picked the wrong times. If you get admin(on both servers), would be good if you would visit the surf server sometimes also, so we could get some order in there too, which is easier now because the lower amount of players there.
  8. So, here are the three main theories about how the universe was born. I roughly translated the main text into English with Google. Theory 1 - Big bang and inflation The universe was born in the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago. Before that there was nothing: no time, space and matter. The Big Bang expanded to become a space all at once, from vanishingly small to enormou. This, sudden bulging, is called inflation. There born the matter. The universe continues to expand further. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Theory 2 - Cyclic Universe Universe-called three-dimensional space-time is part of a large 11-dimensional space-time. Large time-space, two 4-dimensional surface. The first surface is known universe, and the second is a parallel universe invisible to humans. The Big Bang was a collision of surfaces, which repeats once in a trillion years. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Theory 3 - Endless Inflation Known universe is just bubble in the endless chain of universes. New universes born all the time, and each one is different and develops its own way. Only a small minority of the Universe has such laws of physics that allow life. Our universe got just by chance right features to have life on it.
  9. Good so your God is bing bang. No, the universe was created in a big bang, it doesnt say that God is it.
  10. I dont know if I got the question but here we go... The whole mankind and every species that the earth has ever carried/will carrie on it, has started from a single, tiny, microscopic mono-cell, or even from something more primitive. Then, in millions, or in billions of years, it started forming and duplicating. It started growing in different ways/species. It slowly(and I mean slowly) started to move from the water(oceans) to land, and started growing feets and arms and so on. The rest you know(dino's, mammals, humans)?
  11. I like rage wars. Finally something civilized to rage about. Please, stop those damn pyramids before they take over the world!
  12. Please, stop quotation pyramids. Mono-cells just started developing, no one created them. Partly fix'd.
  13. I also dont believe believe in God, but Im not saying the bible is all wrong. I of course believe in the evolution theory(humans come from apes) which has been proven. I dont believe the thing that God created world in seven days, but I do believe a bit to Noah's Ark thing and those. And I read a lot of sciense magazine(A bit like NG) and when your saying that the universe is unlimited, I dont quite agree with you. If I recall this right, there was three theories about the universe(s). One, that I mostly believe/would want to believe, is that the universe isnt unlimited, but there is many of them. The simple picture is like a qube. The qube is made of tiny tiny balls, and every ball is a universe. And I believe that this universe started with the big bang, and just accidentally, even when the odds were 1/1 000 000 000 000, it created Earth the perfect enviroment to have life on(of course the enviroment took time to development). And I belive too, that there is many, many more sophisticated life forms out there than just us. And the idea of going to Heaven when you die is nice, but I rather believe in re-borning, that you just simply born to some other human. I might have been the Emperor of China, who knows.
  14. You would all just laugh at me...
  15. Nobana

    Dan The Man!

    Why are you posting in this one instead of locking it?
  16. Well someone have any ideas for topics that wouldn't be considered as spam? If yes, then make the damn topics. If not, carry on with mild spam?
  17. Nobana

    Dan The Man!

    HE MADE ME DO IT! Threated to kill me if I wouldn't do it! Oh, yea: E: I'm just... Sorry for making this...
  18. I had the same problem with the installer I think. I just re-downloaded the installer from Steam pages and it worked.
  19. I am not. Im just saying that MoH: Airborne is good. And Hell's Highway is awesome.
  20. Yea, Im glad they try something new, but why Iraq/Afghanistan/Middle-East? Boring! Even WW2 would be better if fought somewhere else than Normandy. Why wont they make a game that where you are able to play as germany(like next CoD was going to, until they changed it to some fucking Vietnam)? And cool that the guy in the game-cover is a real person, part of the USA Special Forces- troops in Afghanistan MoH: Airborne was good though. E: Im just happy that DICE is designing the multiplayer, so its probably going to be awesome.
  21. That was bump was...epic? I have never played even single RE. Maybe a demo on PS2?
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