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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Joseph dé Hundré was dead. For Captain EmRAnov, they bought a present what turned out to be a big, freaking ugly baby. He named it Yrjö Pekkala. Its original name was little fag, but that isnt really a good name for a girl. So he named her Leila Gorbatsov. But the story isn't what you think it is, its actually HUGE uncommen like Soviet Heavy being Apparatchik what destroyed everything. Leila Gorbatsov told the guys she was a mong,she then ate the biggest cake WHAT MANKIND HAD and got sick. Then she went to the store, and drinked Irish Coffee. It tasted of Ireland, so, to the whorehouse with the batmobil that loved pancakes because of the mushroom kingdom was over RoboRobbs house because she wanted buttsecks due to sexy sex horny-behaviour, so she didn't talk to Mr. Obama becoss her brother was part of the Freemasons and so the Final Boss appeared. He raped her, and she went to rape him with the batmobil, but people close by. So Hundred2 bought some Ice to put on his nipples and shot Gloompf the zombie into oblivion, while EmRA was eating his cake something epic like the fastest batmobil raped his ass. Then the Godzilla started giving her parts of the batmobil but the stupid spiderman didnt want that to go to Candy Mountain with the batboat because she wanted to sleep with Herman the lazy, friend of the batman with a little extra. After that she didn't use her pyjamas. Batman wanted the demoman to go home with his mom. The Demoman wanted to fuck off. Then Superman appeared and vanished away. Another day began after all this in the M.o.N*, but this time Cow-Orker Jim saw something that would *Middle of Nowhere
  3. This was... Different. I cant stop listening this
  4. Squirrel, what do you need that you believe that they copied? I just gave you a valid source. Not that I care what you think, but still. They stole nothing else, gona borrow something from a finnish gaming magazine of this subject: PC gaming started using dedicated server in the year 1997 when Quakeworld came. Since then, dedicated servers have been the main pillar of PC multiplaying. It makes possible that players have wildly bigger player limit, and balanced game arena, 24 hours/day, 7 days a week. And it doesnt close the connection in middle of the game when mommy yells for you. Gaming industry wants that also PC players move back to that stoneage P2P-system. In primitive systems, when host leaves, the game disconnects. He always gots 0ms. Everyone else is lagging, becoss data really needs to travel to the server and back. P2P server needs also to run the graphics, sounds and maybe even players motion in addition of the chat and judging the game. Thats why there can only be a handfull of player and even with a good server, it isnt equal for the balance and speed what a dedicated server would give. You can thank the modern fast internet connections that the P2P-system even works. The tecnic is enough for 4-8 co-op games, and if you dont know any better, 16-24 player games are decent for you. Modern Warfare 2 is Pandora's box for the console players and Pandora's chest for PC-players. For both it test the same problem, can you rip off extra money for very, very expected game. For us, PC players, the problem is worse. It test that can you reset PC multiplaying to what it was 13 years ago, and at the same time, delete mods and free content/DLC. If IW succees, everyone will follow. Aliens vs. Predator 3 is in the edge, no dedicated servers if MW2 succees. The most depressing thing is the bullshit what they try to feed for PC players. IW liturgy says that matchmaking connects equal players easily and with no problem. Matchmaking is fucked-up system what you can take seriously, only if you dont know of better. In Left 4 Dead, PC players "whined" so long that they added normal servers. Now everyones happy, and for a reason. Exept that from L4D2 demo, it was missing, again. They also say that its "expensive" to run a dedicated servers. Its true that the developers have run at least few servers in the beginning, but in reality, dedicated servers are run by different gaming communyties, with theyr own money. Thats why good-old PC multiplayer games are still alive and living well, and even SWAT 4(2005) has more players than most of the console games added together. The developer has to only run a main server where all other servers tell that their there. The other reason is DLC's, one of the futures ways to make a lot of money. A good way is the consogames map-packs. It works, because console gamers dont got any option. Closed console is played in a closed system, its the ideal scenario for game developers. But the stupid PC gamers create so much free content, that no one would buy those 10$ map-packs. In the past, it was normal that every 3D games were released with free dedicated server software and mostly even free creating tools. For demonstration/example, compare ARMA-production to Codemasters console-ideology made Dragon rising; ARMA II was released with free editor to all content, also 3D model editing, and Dragon Rising crypted all of its data-files and the content made for it would fit in a pastille box. Im not as mad of the threat to multiplaying as Im mad for the hyena's, who just laugh when PC-multiplaying is closed to a small box and cutten the wings of it. Never thought that instead of settling for the worse, you could demand dedicated servers for consoles too? Theres no technical reason that PC could run the server software and make the console gaming played how its ment to instead of that P2P-bullshit. Most of the console gamers are happy to P2P multiplaying. Most of the germans in East-Germany were happy to live in DDR, becoss they didnt know there was anything better. No one who lived in the West-germany would want to exchange their freedom to Stalins guarded DDR's standard of living. I dont want to change the matches of tens of players, technically working connection, the freedom to choose who I play with, what I play, what kind of connection I play with, to a system, where the only option is buying lotto tickets and playing with some random guys.. And just when everything is going allright, little John has to go to eat his food. Thank you for reading, I hope you really give thought about this.
  5. Here you go. And btw, how they responded: ''Joker forwarded this reply from IW's community manager: "Really? Copyright infringment claim? " - Fourzerotwo DM on Twitter''
  6. What they did was wrong, and they should get away with it so easily. And even copyed mod to their game without giving the original maker any credit of his work, thats just wrong. Well of course it was. All Call of Duty's(well, most of 'em) have epic SP.
  7. I got Steam version, so better changes of it working online. E: People started hating me.
  8. Still waiting for proper keygen so I could even install it.
  9. What language is that anyway? Looks similar to russia. E: Oh, wait, it is russian. EE: It reads something about library and some articles the man wrote.
  10. Gona install MW2 soon. Gona tell my opinion 'bout singleplayer(which will be awesome, I hope). And if it lets me, gona try MP too.
  11. Video review of the multiplayer on PC. http://www.giantbomb.com/quick-look-modern-warfare-2-pc/17-1622/
  12. I dont know the difference. Paint as the program what you use to draw and color stuff.
  13. PS3. Lukkie's right, its made for consoles.
  14. Upload them one by one to here, or tinypic/imageshack, and then post them here.
  15. Im am disapointed. Neither of the two gaming magazines I got, said anything about the PC version. They both had rewieved MW2 for consoles. Well, at least Gaming.fi is rewieving it for PC and consoles.
  16. Wat? E: Just got two Finnish game magazines and they both have MW2 rewieved. Gona read both.
  17. Upload that picture without icons! I wanna has! And my own atm:
  18. Well, WaW is Call of Duty 5, officially. And I agree that the multiplayer may be good when/if you get to play it. But the matchmaking part, P2P, no console etc. make it a bad totality.
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