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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Is sadly, very, very correct. E: But I would own him in surf!
  2. Well, clan matches. How wonderfull it will be to get those german(or whatevah) teenage kids who dont speak english almost at all, to the same server? In the past, this was done by simply giving the IP, now its gona be all invitationrumba and banging your head on the wall. E: Have you ever tried to host a server for more than 2 people? Maybe you have great internet speed, but everyone dont. Impossible for those who have some 1M or 0,5M internet.
  3. But, thats the problem. No more IP-adresses, no more playing with friends. The system decides who you play with and where. You play where the system wants you to play. The server/host changes every time, and I dont even start talking about clan playing.
  4. Well I dont think they can change it in a month. Are you willing to pay whatever you paid for it if it turns out be just suckish?
  5. Well, boycotting is right for those idiots. Why would they fuck up a great game what people have been looked forward to get?
  6. Yey, great, they fucking spoiled the PC version. Its just straight console->PC variant(?). No more clan-playing in MW2. No more playing with your friends. No more playing in the good "server" what you found yesturday, just some random "server" which changes every time. No more modded content, only map packs which cost a fortune. No more bigger matches, only like max. 10 player- random small matches. Boycott it like the rest of us. Just boycott it, if you have pre-ordered it, cancel it. 50-70$ is a bit too much from singleplayer. Even if you got it for cheap, cancel it, less money for the IW/AV morrons.
  7. My/our Golden Retriever. Her original name was "Goldencup Hastalavista". We call her Minni, we bought her when she was just a little puppy, and saw her first time when she was like few weeks old. Ahh, memories...
  8. Roger roger. But I will suck at that.
  9. You haz CSS? yes of course I demand surf. I suck at normal maps, I really do, havent played them because theyr not exiting. And in surf, you need skill to move also.
  10. Here's my gift to you, maybe your familiar with them: Rautakanki - Käsi [mp3]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj-dFWb7NaY[/mp3] Rautakanki - Äiti olen pannut [mp3] [/mp3]
  11. I have that kind of pictures without AWP too. Use Xfire, you can choose the button what takes screenshots yourself.
  12. Not my best scores but still: Recognize the map in this?:
  13. E: Nothing then, good luck!
  14. I see no reason that why isnt he admin allready(did I say this right?).
  15. Has many lovers and is cheating on Error.
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