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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Nobana

  1. Fail. "This video is not available in your country due to copyright restrictions. "
  2. No-one playes there anymore. Not often at least. Surf server is dead, dead I tell you! That doesnt affect(effect?) the app.
  3. Nobana

    1 to a 1000

    47. And I wanna say 66! Route 66 ftw.
  4. Found it without the smileys, need to photoshop it.
  5. Nobana


    Here's just the appetizers. More coming later. I saw this one on gree, maybe you want it blue?
  6. EmRA has the best ideas and imagination ever. Always.
  7. Damn. They have moved the release date for PC's version. Instead of the promised 10th November(console versions will arrive at this day), the PC version will arrive 24th of November.
  8. Yea, but you dont have to upgrade consoles every 3rd year like PC's. And when PC gets some new game, its gona need top hardware to run. When consoles get some new game, its gona run for sure, no lagg at all. = Consoles are cheaper, and have maybe even better games.
  9. Yeah, like 3 days after release. I think I'll manage to wait that long. LoL. Halo does not suck. At least they have made the multiplayer well. Your just jeallouse because you dont have an X360 And why wouldnt I download it? It will probably have the fucking DRM proctions in the BUYABLE VERSION (like you can install it for example 3 times)! But when I download it, I can install it to my computer, give it to my friends, etc. IN YOUR FACE! I didnt mean that, I ment that where you shoot americans. And still theyr shamed of making realistic games 'bout Market Garden. Total operation was a failure, but most games make it look like it succeeded.
  10. Im just gona download this and play the singleplayer. The multiplayer is gona be the same old sh*t. Everyones running around and shooting, too small maps. Like a bad version of Halo.
  11. OFFTOPIC ALERT! I actually hope that they would make games where you play for example as germans in WW2. For americans, british etc. its ok to see hunreds or thousand of germans getting killed and shot. But its too bad to see americans etc. getting killed?! And why wont they make games (WW2 for example) about different scenes. Theres at least a dousin games about Normandy. Another dousin about Operation Market Garden. For example, who has seen battles of WW2 in Finland(Winter war)? Now thats an idea for a game! Know the "Six Days in Fallujah" game? It was canceled becoss Americans didnt accept the picture about americans getting killed. The events were "too fresh" for a game". Now thats offtopic!
  12. No time to watch it. Tell me how its like.
  13. Fail? (Denied, not denied?) Epic bumb.
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