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Mr. Green Gaming

Ni pah

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Everything posted by Ni pah

  1. 10/10 Motherfucking WtC. I played this song while pwning with hundred2 in tf2, shit was epic.
  2. Oaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh

  3. Sweet memories

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ni pah

      Ni pah

      You fools cannot understand the awesomess of that video.

      Also Damien, <3 u =D

    3. Ni pah
    4. Damien
  4. zs had a great community, funny and cool players now it's full of retards, mic spamming, cade trollng... sigh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pufulet


      zs has a new awsome community, but its not our fault its summer and kids are fresh in bloom :/

    3. Damien


      We try to keep the game balanced atleast. I still have fun playing zs

    4. mogadonskoda


      You forgot to add the "tarp warriors" to that list

  5. It's not out yet.
  6. Yoshi island, street fighter 2, f-zero on snes,Mario kart on snes, super bomberman 2 and 3 , goldeneye,perfect dark, super mario 64, zelda - a link to the past, link's awakening, ocarina of time and majora's mask, mario kart 64, final fantasy 7, resident evil... And a lots of other games ^^.
  7. I liked the first one a lot, immersive, dramatic, realist it was an unique experience and the second one will be amazing, i guess. If you never played ro before, it's a teambased fps wich focuses on the russian/german conflicts and it's not a generic ww2 shooter, it's hard, it's dirty, you're just a sack of meat running under a rain of bullet and artillery while seeing your comrades loosing their arms. This one will be more strategic, more epic, and as usual with the tripwire games there will be a tons of mods like the first Ro or Kf. Go here to see some great new features ==>: http://www.heroesofstalingrad.com/about/ Here are some news vids from the fans and devellopers, all those littles details, it looks pretty neat. PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - (it's against bots, so dont mind the stupid ennemies) I'll buy it for sure but i'll need a new pc first, I hope we'll fight together comrades Little bonus, that song shows perfectly the type of emotions you get while playing ro and i'm pretty sure it will be the same with ro2
  8. Is tired of working and want some real vacation

    1. Ywa


      I know what it's like bro. My vacation is in 2 months :<

    2. Ni pah

      Ni pah

      Doh :< be strong

  9. 5/10 watch it for the clip, you wont regret it
  10. Creepy Gman
  11. 5/10 for the girlzzz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw_3RTqYGCE
  12. 7/10 good trip
  13. 5/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr5SSvMj4mQ&feature=player_embedded
  14. 8/10 you have good taste cyrius =) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmx73CMapPU
  15. 7/10 rock on
  16. 7/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNuUKxzZNcw
  17. 6/10
  18. Talking about bulletstorm, this song will be a perfect last human song ( too many to kill them all, that name fit perfectly )oh and the soundtrack is free btw and very good
  19. 10/10 i love that band http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSX86zPnUkY
  20. also Funk you up ( if you are impatient skip too 1mn20)
  21. if you played the second castlevania, you will love this I cant stop laughing
  22. 10/10 Still epic, and always be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qK_bA6qlAQU
  23. "and the Loch-ness" hahahaah
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