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Mr. Green Gaming

Ni pah

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Everything posted by Ni pah

  1. Ni pah

    Crysis 2

    Cod style, linear , sometimes there are infinites waves of ennemies, the ai is stupid. I tryed it, i hated it .
  2. Nice pic bro, here am i
  3. 8/10 rip Nate Dogg
  4. Happy birthday sir ! ( i'm 22 too let's play some bingo )
  5. Sometimes breaking a cade is a good thing because a lot of selfish/stupid engineers are cading themselves early in the game leaving a lot of survivors behind. But if someone destroy cades only for trolling people and because they will die, well fuck them.
  6. Ni pah

    Botervloot is old

    Happy birthday boter ! Have some green cake
  7. It happen all the time , gmod posing topic, drawing topic, photography topic, there are alway someone to hijack it.
  8. It's awesome, thanks a lot dude !
  9. I love your sigs, can you make me one with some limbo pictures, with my nickname on it, thanks http://www.lejeuvideo.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/limbo.jpg http://www.monsieurlam.com/wp-content/2010/07/limbo-playdead-04.jpg http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQiztxaFq5V-Folo7rPcOvi14PEB1KWiex_9ZnROk7p0f8x3mmT4A
  10. I came
  11. Is it a survival server ?
  12. Let's have a LAN at CarPileUp...
  13. Some screens reminds me of penumbra, good point for the scary atmosphere.
  14. 4/10
  15. I tried it ( thanks nobana ) and it's a lot of fun for a free game. But bf2 is ( of course) far superior to this light version .
  16. Ni pah

    Happy birthday!

    happy birthday !
  17. Can i have a beta key ? :(

  18. 6/10 because i love that funky beat
  19. 6/10 btw that movie was big joke
  20. 5/10 not my style
  21. ahah awesome profile pic :D

  22. do a bloody FATALITY
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