Hi there! I'm Squirrel-Dude[NL], I'm a friend of Hundred2 in RL, and he showed me this comunity, what looked like a pretty good place. The games I currently have in my possession are: GTA 4, Left 4 Dead, Half life 2 with all episodes and lost coast, Call of Duty 4, Battlefield 2, Team fortress 2, Empire: Total War, Red Orchesta, Bioshock, Portal, Battlefield 2142, Frontlines, Fuel of War, Battlefield Heroes Beta, (not impressed) and alot of small games that I'm not going to write down. The games I currently play are: Left 4 Dead, GTA IV, Team Fortress 2, and sometimes Empire: Total War. I'm currently looking for some good mates to play L4D with, as that devel-ish Hundred2 always plays GMOD. () But yeah, as I'm to lazy to write more, I'm stopping now. See you guys on the forums, and maybe ingame! <3 (Btw, with my infinite wisdom I managed to write a R to much. Can a admin please change that?)