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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Navo

  1. Alright, but I still think that guy is a bit over-reacting. Ah mod for BF2 made their own destruction system, very similar to the one used by BFBC, but that doesn't mean BFBC ripped it off. Oh, and I'm pretty sure they didn't copy it, they aren't that lazy.
  2. I've heart about that, but I've never seen a valid source.
  3. Paint.net, it's way and way better. Oh, then go to "file".
  4. Go to "my Computer" and search for "porn".
  5. SP is pretty cool.
  6. Well, you can get to highest rank in 24 hours, that is kinda crappy.
  7. The stats system still sucks?
  8. Navo

    Meet the GRN

  9. Navo

    Im serious ill D:

    Dude, what The ego of a norwegian person is often too big to speak english.
  10. Chrome.
  11. Navo

    Im serious ill D:

    Same here.
  12. Jesus, I didn't notice that.
  13. This one is fun. Fill it in (with text or images) and post it. I'm looking forward to your lists while I work on my own. gear up!
  14. Google Images. Search for "Evil Squirrel". Find this. Put it in Paint.NET. Make background transparant. Done.
  15. Navo


    Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: WE MUST PUCH LITTLE CART Stranger: We're no strangers to love... You: YOU KNOW THE RULES Stranger: You know the rules, and so do I You: AND SO DO I You: I kinda like that song Stranger: Unless you've been Rick rolled
  16. Navo


  17. Navo


    If had so much with this, glad someone else used this too!
  18. Not so sure about that.
  19. Nice trailer, but it's rendered, so I don't care.
  20. That looks ridiculous.
  21. I am his witness.
  22. Guys, don't go offtopic in someone else his admin application.
  23. Good read, I think you would suit a role as admin perfectly. Good memories...
  24. I vote for the AR-15 variant (because I have no clue if that gun is a m4 or a HK416 or whatever) and the silenced pistol.
  25. Cool topic! I vote A!
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