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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Raptor

  1. Raptor

    Dark Souls

    Dark Souls is an open-world fantasy RPG, made by FROMSoftware. It was released in autumn 2011, almost 2 years later after the release of Demon's Souls when the devolopers gained a lot of popularity among hardcore gamers. Demon's Souls and recently Dark Souls are seen by its experienced fans as extremely difficult and unforgiving. But it's also seen as an amazing game due to its dark, mysterious and beautiful game design, such as story. The gameplay offers a lot of fun for hardcore gamers, as the game is really hard, but therefor challenging. Thanks to its complex but clear level system Dark Souls offers the player to finish the game in ones own and prefered fighting style. The devs really managed to set a dark and frightening atmosphere with their wonderful and suiting music, but I think you got it now! Don't want to lose your attention, so I get right to the point. Even if you are not such a big fan of fantasy (Just like I was. I hated fantasy games, as I couldn't take them and their community serious. But I was also very stereotyping to this time) you should try it to experience something new for yourself. Gamers of the fantasy genre who haven't tried it yet should think about trying it too. Dark Souls' hostile and dark atmosphere will fascinate you. Unless you are looking for a merry, romantic or easy game. I'd like to sum up the story of Dark Souls for you, BUT if you have already enough of reading my gibberish, feel free to skip to the videos. If those can't draw your interest nothing of this thread will. Anyways: In a world that seems to be England just in a fictional age, you as an undead are facing the end of your kind. It was the Age of Fire when gods and demons, undead and cursed managed to keep one another alive through the flames of Lord Gwyn. Lit bonfires resurrected all of your kind. Bonfires and Gwyn kept you alive as they regained your streangth, but now the flames are fading and the Age of Darkness, the Age of Mankind is ahead. As the chosen one (obviously) you first don't know about your destiny. As a matter of interest and curiosity you travel around the land but after sometime, when you proved yourself as worthy, you are being told about your true destiny. Lord Gwyn tried to resist nature by trying to keep the flames "alive". Stopping them from fading and so stopping the turn to the Age of Mankind. You have to kill him, so the world can go on on its correct way. You first have to kill all of Gwyn's former followers and the other keepers of the Lord Soul (The Lord Soul is giving them their god like powers) and then you will be able to pass the gate that leads to Gwyn's hiding place. Kill him and you will have the choice: Light the god flame to keep your kind alive and to continue, just like Gwyn, the Age of Fire or fulfill your destiny and start the Age of Dark, the Age of Mankind, with your new god like powers. But be aware. Your journey will be long... and tough. So prepare to die, A LOT. (You can correct me if I'm wrong, but that is how I understood the story so far.) Two trailers and one review of Dark Souls. Dark Souls Trailer New DLC ahead of us and it will be extremely difficult. "Prepare to DIE edition - Arotrias of the Abyss DLC". Awesome trailer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkVyQCK2K8c This should explain how awesome Dark Souls is. With this you would not need to read the rest of this thread anymore. Due to Dark Souls challenging difficulty it brings a lot of players to rage quit. But somehow, it also brings the player back to the game as he wants to re-try and this time win the fight. It's frustrating sometimes, but that just pushes the ambition of the gamer. "But if Dark Souls is really that great, how does it come that it doesn't get much attention?" It does get some attention. People heard of it, but it deserves much MUCH more, as it is a masterpiece in my opinion. It has only been released for consoles so far, but now it will also be released for the PC. Maybe it's just because console gamers had their attention on other mainstream games, which have been released in or around autumn 2011, but the release of a PC version will hopefully get more peoples' attention now. It will be available on Steam so I thought this is the time to make a thread about it. tldr; Buy and play it. It's worth it. Totally. I'm usually not such a huge nerd when it comes down to video games, but Dark Souls just changed my mind about fantasy games.
  2. Raptor

    Day Z

    It's simply a mod.
  3. Raptor

    Day Z

    In the past days I got some experience in hunting other survivors down, but got myself killed sometimes too. Too bad they removed the awesome bandit skin in update 1.5.8 :/ I believe 'Predators' is an intimidating and fearful name, Minky
  4. Hint: He cheated. I figured Life is tough for most of us, rui :> Hang on and it will get better.
  5. I'm really surprised how terminator got 222 reputation points with this attitude, lol
  6. 7/10 I'm not posting a deathcore song this time :>
  7. Raptor

    Day Z

    But I'm on vacation You mainly need Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead! You would also need Arma 2, but I guess the free version of Arma 2 will do the job too. Edit: Before you buy it, you should know it's kinda hard to get the mod working afterwards. There are a few errors that might confront you and you need to update BattlEye and DayZ regularly
  8. Raptor

    Day Z

    Played the game for a few hours now and it's great! (When it's not derping at the moment) Minky, it's still alpha. Every update will get us back on DayZ, to play it again
  9. Raptor

    Day Z

    After fixing tons of errors I had, I finally managed to play the actual mod. Unfortunately servers use a day and night system linked to the time in RL. It's a cool feature, but I can't really play at night, since I can't see anything then and I don't have a map~ I will play it later again! Although I didn't have the chance to play it right, it still looks and feels interesting. Edit: Let's play together some time
  10. Happy Birthday! Now let's party
  11. Raptor

    Day Z

    Amazing! Will try it out tonight, after installing Arma 2
  12. Raptor

    Max Payne 3

    There is an action button to "suicide"? ...
  13. Good luck, Minky I'm sure you would be a great admin
  14. Raptor

    Crysis 3

    Yesh, yesh. And CryEngine 3 makes Crysis 3 a lot more dynamic and realistic.
  15. Raptor

    Crysis 3

    Don't worry. There must be something cool about this weapon And I'm sure you would see someone hidden in the jungle if he was firing his silenced gun. You can see heat coming out of the gun barrel and the heat tracks of the bullets (if you use thermal goggles).
  16. Raptor

    Crysis 3

    I don't know the abilities of his new weapon.. but a normal bow wouldn't do the job, right? He will be using it, so it must be advanced. You couldn't kill aliens with a regular bow. Also, there haven't been much information about the abilities of his new weapon. And I just said, he could be detected through thermovision. I wasn't talking about sound. A gun that is being fired and its bullets are much easier to be detected then someone in a jungle, breathing like any other life-form.
  17. Raptor

    Crysis 3

    A german blogger, who is also a huge Crysis fanboy, looked up some information about Crysis 3 and said that he is using a "High-Tech Bow", because you can not be detected with it. It's silent and nobody could locate you that fast. If you fire a real gun you would be easily found since the enemies are using thermovision. This is him But you probably don't understand any german
  18. Raptor

    Crysis 3

    Yes, it is a topic about 'Crysis 3' and some of you might already heared about it (or not). When I was looking for more information about Crysis 2 I randomly found out that EA an CryTek already announced (on the 16th April, 2012) that there will be a new Crysis game. I was pretty surprised, but it seems to be true And I found more: And this is how their new engine looks like "Crysis 3 is a thrilling mix of sandbox gameplay, advanced combat and hi-tech human and alien weaponry that shooter fans will love,” said Cevat Yerli, Chief Executive Officer of Crytek. “Leveraging the latest CryENGINE technology, we’re able to deliver seven unique themes that offer stunning and visually loaded gameplay experiences. We cannot wait until people get their hands on the game." If you want to know more about Crysis 3 and what it will be about, just click this link. There will be more to see of Crysis 3 on the 24th April, 2012. But the game will be released around 2013, so yeah.. Just so you know.
  19. Let's play sometimes then, Xeim And Mathijs, stick to MC and CoD
  20. Sounds much better. Fun isn't he only factor that matters, you see Box?
  21. Haha, I thought the topic was called "Questions and Discussion". I know I don't decide what will be taken and what won't be and I don't think that my voice has much more value than the others, but I do think that it is my right to give my opinion to certain ideas to influence Necro's opinion about them. He will decide what will be taken and added. Obviously. I don't see why I have to explain myself for things we have been doing all time on this topic: Giving ideas and speaking our for things we agree or. don't agree on.
  22. I agree with most of your ideas, Box But this? Everyone is suppose to have fun on the server. Not just you and the rest of the veterans
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