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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by shadows

  1. shadows


    If only porncraft was made
  2. just the main am going to do the wings when i fix some issues with textures not appearing on both sides of a face
  3. Legendz
  4. here is what i have been rigging for gmod what do you think i ripped the model from a ps2 game and made the textures myself
  5. so general is crying because he thinks he is the best .... (bursts out laughing)
  6. General Deal with it
  7. roll back the update where there was berserkers and see what happens
  8. What ever am off to get drunk
  9. Right.... lets leave this guy alone and let him post more crap topics and clog more space up %£&" da police
  10. heard the term of free speech ?
  11. And ?
  12. Your the douche go back to 4 chan
  13. First off all you have made a admin app that i never see you play on Zs and second you have to be on irc Now your make blogs of your life if you want to make stupid blogs go to myspace
  14. put half of that cake for my birthday
  15. Stop posting crap Simple ?
  16. I agree that prop jumping is a glitch as a zombie can not lift its own weight with a barrel and such even it states that a poison zombie is a hunk of flesh so how can it lift its self up with a small prop ?
  17. Pufulet nagged me just to get a picture of me so i made this for him do not ask why i did that expression it just came out
  18. What shell ?
  19. You dick head
  20. quick cure should be left alone when necro changed it its increase fast zombie spam which quick cure was a counter mesure for fast zombies
  21. also to increase realism well variation of the normal zombie why not merge the playermodel to the normal zombie instead of the boring white one ?
  22. is it possable to have the hands of the V_models to match the playermodel like clavus did with ragonorak conflict ?
  23. no necro ruined it he does not listen to no one expect admins everyone has pretty much left because there suggest does not get answered by that douche
  24. ZS is dead necro has ruined it he only listen to the admins not the community
  25. Stop messing with classes Am sick of it Lost my fav class due to some winge bag thought it was too op instead of never listening to anyone zs is dead because some one only listens to certain people End of story
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