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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by shadows

  1. This Ban would never happen if you started doing quick fixes you always release these in packs which is dam stupid all a simple lua code just to block nails on doors
  2. whats the point of contributing if we never get listened to all necro does is listen to pufu end of story go ahead and say other wise others know this is true. To be honest necro is just selfish.
  3. shadows

    Bill S.978

    checking your ip and to be honest Americans are fat and dumb that make stupid laws
  4. shadows

    Bill S.978

    just heard about it just watch the youtube video he describes it well its not fake
  5. should make some new hats http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=showimg&v=122353_2 like these
  6. i might make a horror name for him what would you guys suggest ?
  7. using plain effects of gmod and some little photo shopping what you guys think ?
  8. its is true i was there ss just want nailing all the sofas we were using to cade then he just left as i told him that i will report you
  9. fixed now something to do with my internet protocol settings
  10. well for some reason when i try to access the forum in the normal way its not responding but when i use proxy its running ok and this is really bugging me is there anyway to fix this ?
  11. nerf the katana lower the speed thats all not the other rubbish
  12. just make the katana weak but not the other bullshit nerfs
  13. WHAT A LOAD OF SHITE make the zerk crap again why don,t you I spent all my time to make my zerk a high level now this shit whats the point of playing if its going to get crap
  14. wow what a stupid thing to add anti vent camp
  15. holy shut up you glitched with the !stuck command so don,t say you have never glitched
  16. shadows


    whys that ?
  17. shadows


    can you white list me please my ingame name is shadota
  18. i tried to keep it at a good time (hates long intros) and that is the first time i have published music like that
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHel6YV0oPA its my first one i made the music for it in fruity loops
  20. hmm to me it sounds like your ram is faulting
  21. each melee weapon needs its own damage right now there all the same damage
  22. here is a little tut that will get your gmod running you need (a svn client and a brain) first download this https://facepunch.svn.beanstalkapp.com/gmodgame/trunk/ with the svn client then When done drag all of the contents to your source mods folder Restart Steam Your done this will be a new fresh install so with this version if they are engine updates it will not happen again
  23. looks like i will be getting a am3 board had a word with the guys i work with he's letting me trade the ddr2 ram for ddr3
  24. http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3636#ov am thinking of getting that
  25. well am really looking for ddr 2 mobo
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