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Mr. Green Gaming

Google Hoops

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Everything posted by Google Hoops

  1. I say you shouldn't even get brains from RTD and getting brains should only be a 30% chance when you kill someone and the other 70% is just nothing, so that way you don't have 5 people with auto-shottys.
  2. Sweet I might play some ZS then for once.
  3. I hardly ever play ZS but when i do i'm always so close to redeeming and then some guy just kill steals and redeems and I try to kill someone else and then again: kill steal and the only people left are the redeemed guys with their stupid auto-shotty rape. I know exactly what you mean by this topic but it's not really that anything can be done about it it's just life: "Life is Unfair"
  4. Agreed there you are a very friendly player. Also agreed with Sneed. But you do kinda need perfect Anglais (bit of French there)
  5. LAWL I've already pre ordered it I pre ordered it before it was on sale which is kinda annoying EDIT: It is a retail version not Steam
  6. Okay I can't argue with your logic there. It just doesn't sound right 'Call of Duty 6'
  7. CoD6?? Do you mean CoD Modern Warfare 2 or do you mean CoD7 by Treyarch? (which has only gone into development very recently) He means MW2 Duuuh Why is that "Duuuh" since it's not called 'Call of Duty 6' but it's called 'Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2'
  8. Why do people? Hate them though, I mean why is it such a big deal and some people shit themselves out of anger about it and start crying to their mommyz that they shat their pants and cried (me) And about your previous post Hundy I get the either 20 players are on or 5 are (jokez about that being me)
  9. Wow. Pretty confident there. EDIT: I don't even have MTA or whatever game that is. So, lol, I have no idea who you are
  10. CoD6?? Do you mean CoD Modern Warfare 2 or do you mean CoD7 by Treyarch? (which has only gone into development very recently)
  11. Yea. Agreed. Have some small skulls and very dark purple flames round the skulls and the skulls have very dark red eyes and are covered in bits of red too. Actually, I might edit your picture and post it on. I need to do some shit like that for my Comp Engineering for Uni anyways.
  12. I can buy the 4 pack but I've already got a copy of it. So... dunno... EDIT: Sorry, can't, my girlfriend says a firm "NO!" and... well, you just can't argue with the women they're like word ninjas.
  13. I got a pretty sweet one lately I've been all interested in stars and stuff this is some nebula can't remember which. Using good ol' XP (apart from it's not good lol)
  14. Disapproves of error's post/day rate. @Chik It's my character from Battlefield Heroes.
  15. His name doesn't fit either 'cause he doesn't have a beard'and I'm not sure what a sneed is.
  16. Windows 7 is coming out next month, it won't be old Oh. Well I obviously haven't been catching up with the news. Last I heard it was coming out July 2010. Well that's good that it won't be old.
  17. I wonder how much you guys paid for those parts yourself Well my parents spend hardly any money on me compared to my sisters so they paid for the parts as long as it was under
  18. I wonder how much you guys paid for those parts yourself Well my parents spend hardly any money on me compared to my sisters so they paid for the parts as long as it was under
  19. I think I came up with some good weapon ideas on the previous page.
  20. VT4??! What is this channel you speak of?!?
  21. Yea because a Grenade launcher in the face isn't dangerous at all.
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