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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by rui_troia

  1. This is a forum not some fucking personal blog....

    Keep it on facebook or some other place where some one really cares...

    Everybody has troubles of their own talk about it to your real friends, no one wants to be saddled with your shit on here..


  2. Well, first things first; I had no idea where in the world to put this. I noticed Rui had put his own little story on here, and since they are called the language arts I think I should take my chances. This is a story I'm posting and updating a couple of forums. Due to the fact that I dislike the fonts on most forums, assuming they even have different fonts, I will be posting only the first chapter on the actual thread. Anything past the first chapter will be on a downloadable .doc file from Mediafire. I apologise for using them, but I find them to be the lesser of all evils. So, without further ado, allow me to post the link.

    Currently on Chapter: 3. (DOWNLOAD)

    One last time, I recommend that you download it and read it. It'll be easier reading with the download than it will be here.

    Star Thief

    My name is Astraious, The night I was born the sky was full. The bright circle moon shone through the window as the stars glowed in chorus. The magelights used to fill the streets were easily outdone. It was the worst night of my life. On that night I was left alone in the basket that served as my crib. Dropped off at the earliest convenience of my so-called parents.

    It has been twenty long years since that day. But today is not just my birthday, It is also the day I am to be given my final assignment before I am made a guardian. I have decided to keep a journal. A log of the coming days. Few in the academy are confident enough to apply for these tasks. And fewer still succeed. Though I do not fear this test, I do accept the possibility of failure. Death is something one must be prepared for. And so I will write down everything that happens in this book so that if something should happen to me, the next who takes the test may succeed.

    So if you are reading this book in one of the many chambers within the the proving grounds and have pried this book from my skeleton, listen closely. I will give you all the advice I can. But first you must understand the tenants of the thief. You may say you know them, but do you truly take its every word into you? That is something you must do should you wish to survive this ordeal.

    One. Luna is your guiding hand. Never doubt her.

    Two. The shadows cannot cloak your ambitions, only your body.

    Three. You must never steal from the heavens

    Four. Never shall your blade be used to murder, lest the blood of the fallen oil your once nimble hands.

    Five. Luck is the code of the thief, the holy book we all live by, and plays a part in your every action. Do not push it, else it will push back twice as hard.

    These may be the scribblings of a dead man, but they are the scribblings of an unlucky dead man. And a thief with bad luck does not deserve to be a thief.

    Meldian 08, Room One

    I have ventured to beneath the guild's lowest halls and into the proving grounds. This is the first of the many tasks I must complete. I have scouted this small room without rest since I got here. I managed to find a suspicious looking lever, but it is just too high to reach. There must be a way to get to it, though.

    Meldian 08, Room Two

    How simplistic! All I needed to do was use my clothing as a rope and my knife as a weight so that I could pull it down! If you're reading this that means you also made it past. So I offer you this. Tread lightly. This room is not as empty as it may seem. Many of the pieces within this cobblestone floor are rigged to trigger a series of traps. Do not go left. I threw a piece of my bread down into that path only a moment ago. Within minutes the rats hiding in these caverns swarmed towards it only to find themselves burned, impaled, or crushed.

    Meldian 10, Room 4

    My apologies, though I could not write in the previous room. It was far too dark to walk, let alone to write. But clearly you too have passed. I congratulate you on your resolve. Do you remember the second tenant? It would seem you truly do dedicate yourself to Lady Luna. I will not write much about this test save to recount it for myself, as those who fail this room have no place as a guardian.. The aim of this test was simple, do not take the lustrous sword from its hold in the center of the room. Obey the third tenant. However, something seems wrong here. This room is large, open, and empty. Yet I could swear I heard something far off on the other side. Come to think of it, I remember hearing something similar in the third room as well. I know I can't ignore it, but I have few options at the moment as my supply of food and water dwindles.

    Meldian 10, room 5

    The final room at last! I am out of food and water, but that is of little concern. This test seems quite simple, a dice roll with fate. All I must do is stand on the pedestal and pull the lever, praying my luck holds out. This is the only test I truly fear. I have not been a lucky man throughout my life. Abandoned by my parents and taken in by a man who wished only to use me as cheap labour. The day I escaped him is the day I made my own luck. I forged through a path made of my own skill. But then again, does luck still not hold me down? Did luck not help me escape that horrible man from when I was young? Lady luck takes debts. I just hope now isn't when she wants it repaid. But before I take the test there is something I must attend to. That noise from the previous rooms has grown louder. There is something else down here. Be wary, reader, and complete this last test quickly. For if you are reading this, then I little doubt I am long since dead. And the creature may return for you.

    Terrus placed the tattered book back down on the floor solemnly. He too had heard the disturbing noise echo through the ancient corridors. It did not sound like any creature he had heard before. A hissing moan had stalked him for the last few days, closer with each other-worldly whisper. Terrus wandered the room looking for signs of Astraious' remains, but found nothing. He had heard stories of the legendary Astraious who had, as a mere child, stolen the crown from the kings' very head and escaped unnoticed. If someone such as he could not avoid a confrontation with the creature stalking the corridors then what choice did Terrus have but to push on.

    Tentatively he made his way up to the pedestal, face to face with the slowly eroding statue and its rusted metal lever. Terrus gripped the lever and pulled with all his might. “Creeeeeee...” it groaned before giving way and clunking into place. Terrus stood there patiently, waiting for almost fifteen minutes in perfect solemnity. Odd, Terrus thought to himself, has time finally taken its toll? The doors are still shut, so maybe it has.

    Then the whispering moan. The man on the stand panicked as he jumped to one side, narrowly avoiding the grasp of a wispy, skeletal hand. It cried out with a shriek as it began its rush for him once more. It jumped upon the pedestal, taking the height advantage should Terrus decide to fight back. Terrus closed his eyes and accepted what would have been his fate. A second loud clunk released the spike from the statue, impaling the demonic beast in its chest, breaking through bone and half rotten chunks of flesh. The creature wailed in denial as its bones began the fall apart, joints detaching without so much as a pop. The newly formed pile was no longer some evil and malicious hunter, it was now simply the bones of a man who had once fallen to these ruins himself. But now was not the time to question how such an abomination had entered the proving grounds. Now was a time for celebration.

    “Luck”, Terrus said to himself with a grin as the doors behind him rumbled their way open “I guess I passed.”

    I am Impressed. Good thing I've found you as Narrator for the IW Trailer, Mr.Frizzy.

  3. Ares is so damn OP, How to solve it...?

    Make OP weapons for zombies, Like I said before, me and Quert, Unlock a 357. Revolver for warghoul Veteran that makes 50 hp/suit damage for headshots, and also the revolver should have a different sound and should be damn accured as the ''Ambassador'' OF TF2, spy class.

    ALSO, heres another opinion from me...



    Backstabbing Knife - 100hp/suit damage when hurt from back, deals extremely low damage when not hitten from back.

    (misc) Stalkers are very hard to see, even if they are in movement.

    <Sacrifical baby>

    REQUIREMENTS: Kill 3 people from stalker in one life (Forgot the achievement name)

    Kill a Exprimental with has a turret working(Forgot the achievement name)

    Kill a human that didn't hurt you once in a life.(True Undead Stalker)


    Unlocks: TMP smg (The gun shall be OP)

    357. revolver (Not the same accurancy as Warghoul master)

    Stunstick(Makes victim slower when hit)

    <Sacrifical baby>

    REQUIREMENTS: Run 100 km as bones in total(Undead marathon)

    Deal a total of x damage as bones in a round while running(Annoyng Running Meat)

    One Undead Army(Kill 20 humans in a round)


    Unlocks: Automatic sniper rifle from CSS (Make this gun OP too.)

    357. Revolver (Not the same accurancy as Warghoul master)

    Meatkit (AKA medic kit to heal undead damaged)

    <Sacrifical baby>

    REQUIREMENTS: True Undead's Sniper (Kill a human that is 20 units away from you)

    One Undead Army(Kill 20 humans in a round)

    Blood Show(Make exactly 10k damage as a Undead in a round)

    Thats all, give me suggestions.

  4. Here's a Idea that I came out today...


    Requirements: -Mark 100 players with infection ball(Achievement name suggestion: Plague)

    -Blind 200 players with Blinding ball(Achievement name suggestion: Blind freak)

    -Mark a human that is killed two minutes later after you have marked him (Achievement Name Suggestion: Undead guide)

    UNLOCKS for Warghoul Veteran: A 357. magnum Revolver

    Smokescreen trap

    Infection ball

    <Sacrifical baby>

    I hope NECROSSIN likes this idea.


  5. Just a quick idea I had, dunno if its all that great.

    Stalker Overdrive:


    Soulharvester - Standard stalker damage, Leeches about 20 or so health per hit and disorientates the single target every 3-4 seconds. Can use right click to regenerate health out of combat, however, regenerating in this way will disable movement and cloak.

    Sacrificial Baby - duh

    This class would be great in a one vs. one confrontation since the scream works similarly to the Crowbar of Death, and only affects the one person. Because of this it would be very situational, and almost useless when the humans are in groups. Also leech seems like an interesting idea on the stalker.

    Don't think this idea will go anywhere, just wanted to share.

    I Totallity agree with your idea, NECROSSIN should do this, also, here take your 2nd +1 :D

  6. We need assists on Infected wars: Downfall. End of discussion.

    +1 totally agree 10/10

    no seriously, yeah. do this please. at least for zombies killing humans, yo.

    Like, we need the kill assist count as kills too, would make the game to Hard to Normal.


    Deliver the killing bow to those who inflict more damage.

    PS:Make those assists/Killing Bow to Special ops AND Undead Legion.

    And ALSO, NECROSSIN, when I go damage a human and almost kill them, they suicide and I dont get my wanted kill, Do like ZS, If you damage a human and he suicides, HE DIES AND SHOWS MY NAME AS KILL.

    I don't agree with the killing blow going to the person who did the most damage. At all. What if a zombie hurt a guy a lot, but he kills him and gets away to regain health, but a bones follows him and manages to shoot him down. Doesn't he deserve that kill?

    I think assists for humans would be a bit wierd, since you generally don't need help taking down an undead.

    I think there should be a rewarding system for marking a human as a Warghoul, and possibly draining suit energy with the hellraiser.

    Also: Try to fix the 'armorbug'. And don't say it doesn't exist, because you're not supposed to get instantly killed by the behemoth. If you are, you should fix the bug where people survive the shots.

    They should make this:


    >2GC For marking Human as warghoul

    >5GC For Killing Human

    >2GC For Damaging 100hp ammount in Humans

    >1GC For Killing a Sacrifical Baby

    >20GC For Surviving Round as Human

    >1GC For each 20hp Healing

    >2GC For Each Undead killed

    >3GC For each Turret destroyed

    >5GC For each achievement

    >1GC For each ammunition Gave


    >Fix Killstealing

    >Fix Armor Bug

    >Fix Damaging humans and then they suicide and I dont get the kill because it appears (DEATH)*Player*

    >Fix Spawnprotection (Yesterday I killed 5 people using bones in less than 30 seconds because of Spawnprotection Godmode


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