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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by rui_troia

  1. We need assists on Infected wars: Downfall. End of discussion.

    +1 totally agree 10/10

    no seriously, yeah. do this please. at least for zombies killing humans, yo.

    Like, we need the kill assist count as kills too, would make the game to Hard to Normal.


    Deliver the killing bow to those who inflict more damage.

    PS:Make those assists/Killing Bow to Special ops AND Undead Legion.

    And ALSO, NECROSSIN, when I go damage a human and almost kill them, they suicide and I dont get my wanted kill, Do like ZS, If you damage a human and he suicides, HE DIES AND SHOWS MY NAME AS KILL.

  2. Hello gentlemen, I created this post to show you some pictures im editing about Infected Wars Downfall. My love to this gamemode cant be expressed in words or In-game...

    So I decided to put all my edited pictures here so you can show some feedback if you want to.(Will put more on my free time)




  3. (My home made Half-LIFE 3 story) Half-Life 3, When Half-Life 2 Episode 2 ended, starts Half-Life 3, the finale Half-life. The game starts with G-Man talking with Gordon Freeman about Eli Vance death. After that, Gordon Wakes up and watches Alyx cryng on her dad's body, she gets up and says ''Gordon... They will pay for this.'' So then the Long Path to Borealis starts, Gordon and Alyx get to the Helicopter and they take off from the Rebel's base. The player must ride the helicopter using W,S,A,D. When they was almost getting to the gigant Borealis ship, G-Man appears in Gordon's Allucination(dont know if I spelt it right) and said ''Are you ready for make a sacrifice to the Humanity?'',''I know you are.'' Suddently the helicopter starts going down and crashes...the next chapter starts, in a city that looks almost like Ravenholm, called ''The Storage'', The Storage was a old mine camping for combine's prisioners, the city got infested by headcrabs. Gordon and Alyx must find the trains that leads to Borealis. On ''The Storage'' chapter you see a headcrab transforming a Vortigun into a Zombie, I call him the ''VortZombie'', Its pretty much like Half life 1 Vortigun's. On the end of the chapter, A headcrab cames from nowhere and infests Gordon, alyx tryes to pull the headcrab off but Gordon(The player) must press ''E'' to resist the headcrab, if you dont make it, you die, If you make it, Alyx pulls of the headcrab and shots him. Alyx hugs Gordon and cryes of hapiness and says Smilling ''I would Kiss you if your head wouldnt be infetesd,*laughts*''. After that, the chapter ends and starts a new chapter called ''Path of Borealis'', when the train stopped right on a Combine Helicopter Station, Alyx and Gordon takes a Combine Helicopter stealthy and they fly off to the Borealis, on the way they find many combine AA-guns (Anti Aircraft) that will try to blow the Helicopter. The Chapter ends when they reach the huge Borealis ship.To use the ship they must go inside of it and target the Alien's planet. When they start their run to the Heart of the Borealis, they spot Advisors and then Gordon and Alyx had to make the second option, destroy the ship, to destroy the ship they had to go on the Borealis Weaponry Centre, and drop a single grenade. G-man starts again another Allucination and tells Gordon ''All that effort shall not come to nothing. Use the ship, Mr.Freeman.'', the Combine starts their breaching and blows the ship in half, The Weaponry Centre falls down in the huge dimension of the Artic. Alyx and Gordon had to confront the Advisors. Meanwhile, the final chapter begins called ''The Vortal Ending'', Gordon goes alone and Alyx covers him with the helicopter, Gordon Confronts with some Combine Advisors, Advisors couldnt hurt the Helicopter, so Alyx and Gordon could reach the Emergency Missiles Spot, that would kill with the Alien's Planet. Gordon find's the command centre and starts the Final Countdown Sequence, After that the player becomes Alyx that must defend Gordon. Then after the Countdown is over, appears a Advisor and somehow, licks his tongue in the Helicopter Motor and the Helicopter starts falling down, Alyx survives and Gordon Must help alyx, that was going to get killed by an Advisor, Gordon saves Alyx by killing the Advisor with a shotgun but then a Advisor as aborting the Missiles in Mid air, Gordon sprints to the Advisor and Smack the Advisor's back with his Crowbar, The Advisor turns back and grabs Gordon, Gordon Freeman struggles and the Advisor put the worm or so called tongue out and prepairs to suck Gordon's Brains but then, the crowbar got stuck right on the heart of the Advisor, Alyx runs to pull the crowbar off and the Advisor dies. Both of them, Gordon and Alyx sees the blowing star on the Space together, they kiss each other and Alyx sais ''Thank you Gordon''. Credits appears and after the Credits, appears G-man Telling you ''Well, I guess I will need you, in another time, in another space, The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world... But you deserve to rest now, enjoy your Fame, Mr.Freeman, but prepair for your next task...[ Thank you for watching my Half life 3 Written history, would you be so kind of +1 This?, Thank you.] WRITTEN BY rui_troia

  4. Alright people, I've taken this Screenshot a year ago, now Im going to do in the open space. That day a Girlfriend dropped me and I wanted to record myself how I was that day xd, well... This is just a demo how it is going to be.

    Reminds me of Harry Potter.


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