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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by rui_troia

  1. Also as a side note, look at your steam profiles, it now shows badges on the right hand side from various sales & things you've been involved with, and how long you've had your steam account (4 years bitches).

    5 years, ha.

    Maybe I'll finally getting around buying Max Payne 3 now.



    You make us all look bad.

  2. Thought it was alright, I'd just say make it smoother, I didn't like the made by Clavus Elite bit in the middle I thought that could have gone at the end and I think the footage should be some sweet ass moments, not really just a bones jumping around failing to hit anyone :/

    But pretty good to start with, just make the changes made in the posts above :>

    Will do.

  3. Hello Greenies, I've ended up the Infected Wars trailer today, it is an amazing gamemode that is played by our members and the people out there. The problem is...

    The problem is that the server is diing again, and I don't want that to happen again. The only cure so far, is to make a trailer.. I came up with this idea like, 4 months ago. I've planned how the video would be and ended up with this.To make it official, I need to ask you if you want to make it as OFFICIAL TRAILER or UNOFFICIAL TRAILER.

    The voting rules are:

    -If you approve, say ''Approve''. If you don't approve, say ''No''.

    -Comment your opinion, don't be rude or too ''sexy''.

    Thanks. Here is the trailer...

  4. I want to ask NECROSSIN to add/remove the following things, that can make ZS more enjoyable:

    (+ means add and - means remove).

    For Humans: +Add Dual elites unlock at level 24

    +Add Desert eagle unlock at level 27

    +Add Revolver unlock at level 30

    +Add mp5 unlock at level 25

    +Add Galil at level 28

    +Add M3 Pump Action shotgun at level 30

    +Add Knife for level 10

    +Add Mr.Sledge for level 28

    +Add Axe for level 20

    +Add Five-seven at level 18 or 19

    +Add a perk called ''Richfag'', makes your start with 250 sp, instead of wearing anything in the healthkit spot.

    -Remove ''adrenaline'' perk.

    -Make Humans a bit more slower.

    For Zombies: +Add Fast Headcrab as a class but with less damage than normal headcrab

    +Add zombies a 20% chance to add twice damage

    +Make all the zombies, easly grab a prop and throw it

    -Make Fagsties deal 2 damage for each hit and 5 for each hump

    -Make Headcrabs deal 4 damage.

    +Make fast headcraps deal 2 or 3 damage.

    +Make healing farts heal you more and better, there's been recently a glitch that you cant heal yourself.

    -Just add meatshield to Zombies. Its annoyng to fight a OP meatshield headcrap


  5. No, there should be a option in the round start, that its enabled PVP and the one who makes less damage against themselves, is the chosen one. The more damage you deal against humans, the more chance you have to NOT be CHOOSEN.




    Im so buyng that game.

  7. Bleh.

    Made a small event for this weekend: All loadouts are avalaible for everyone, so you can try out all goodies.


    • Hopefully fixed some sounds for ares/kriss and etc (will require to restart GMod)
    • Added new footstep sounds
    • Slightly imroved human's HUD
    • And other small stuff

    The trailer is the only salvation of the gamemode.

    (Being made by me and Frizzy)

    [Awating him to give me the sound clips]

  8. Kids nowadays, thinking smoking weed and drinking is cool...

    First thing, I aint no kid mate, was joking about that shit. Also, taking drugs is bad and not cool, the fact that you smoke weed and drinking isnt cool too but if you compare taking drugs with drinking and smoking weed, taking drugs is just way more serious, I rather drink and smoke weed than taking drugs.

  9. This video was made a year ago,

    You were playing in the new zs, which was only released like 3 or 4 months ago or something :V

    Technically that is old zs. Your history of zs is disgracefull.

    That's a joke right.

    That is not Old ZS at all.

    For present players that is considered old zs. Not the one our ancestors played.

    Still remember the time that the server supported the Deluvas modding, I could find a automatic shotgun behind a chair.


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