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Mr. Green Gaming


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Status Updates posted by rui_troia

  1. Go! Go! Rico o choften!

  2. Hello there, cool one.

  3. Give that man 20 bucks!
    1. Reiska


      i don't give even 20 fucks

    2. rui_troia
  4. Have a nice celebration of the 21th year you're alive.

  5. Sir, your administration at Mr.Green Zombie Survival server is an example for the other administrators.

  6. My favourite Wingman.

  7. Have a nice celebration of the 20th year you're alive since your skin got in contact with the fresh and rude air of this world.

  8. Happy B-day nabo0

  9. Thinking about buyng CS 1.6 or Global Offensive, they are both great games. I tested the beta of CS GO and I have to say, its amazing. CS1.6 is back to back to the days that people could have some decent ''Gameplay'', what should I buy?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Frizzy


      The problem with 1.6 is the hackers, actually. Nothing worse than wallbanging aimbotters. I'd go for GO, it's looking really good and I'm having tonnes of fun in it. They just need to add in options for the old crosshair and I'm fine.

    3. terminator


      Have you even looked through the options? It's been there the entire time..

    4. rui_troia


      I guess Im stayng with CS GO, thanks for yer' opinions.

  10. !give rui_troia weapon zs_boomstick, please.

  11. Got Portal 2, lets give it a shot.

  12. Bought Deus EX: HE, lets give it a shot.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hundred2


      Invisible War never happened.

    3. awesomeo_5000


      I enjoyed it when I was really young but I hardly had much critical opinion at that age. Was it really that bad?

    4. Quert


      Invisible Wars sucks terribly.

      The first was awesome though.

  13. TechnoNegro is a master of paTROLLING in L4D2.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Griffon


      Just make sure to wash it when you return it.

    3. Quert


      And I'm a master of Pat-trolling in KF.

    4. rui_troia


      Quert uses his demofag skills to insta-kill the Patrifag, the problem is that herobrine likes to troll Quert so he saboges his pipe bombs, when we went to check there was just three pipe bombs and when the patrifag appeard and said '' ONE IN DA PAIP ''. To be continued?...

  14. Thinking about giving a shot to Maplestory with TechnoNegro.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. TechnoNegro


      Mechanic lol

    3. rui_troia


      Maplestory downloading..

    4. Corby


      Arcania was the best for exploiting the market

  15. My new second-god
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raptor


      Oh, snap!

    3. rui_troia


      No, my first is Jesus if you want to know, terminator. Now please, stop driving at me with your saddistic acts.

    4. Frizzy


      My first god is the flying Spaghetti monster.

      My second one Bruce Lee, because Bruce Lee.

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