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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. Always think he is Stalker Dude.
  2. I honestly can't tell the diffrence between any of the Halo games...
  3. Exactly, it's dirty crack that will just make you ill. That's where you're wrong.
  4. Nub at CSS :D
  5. Confuses CyriusG with Lex. What a silly man
  6. He killed this topic nearly a year ago.
  7. You're not fit for this community. But good luck! Cheering for you, mate
  8. Core2duo 2.8ghz 4gb dedi, so it's 24/7 IP?
  9. This. I hate bitches. 12 looks nice though
  10. You should write down the rules somewhere... One of IW's biggest problems... People always thought the admins were just making up rules for our advantage. e: Looks really good, Clavus
  11. Do it ERROR. It's your nature!
  12. VMR


  13. bamp VMR is my initials. I can also use VmRA :] Also; This thread needs more Pannenkoek
  14. VMR

    CS:S Stock

    so it will be changed to stock server tommorow AWSOME! 2 weeks later Bring back minigames server lol atleast now you can buy weapons... and use your skills. to make it more fun add: ( fy, aim) maps. I think it would be better with the stock maps. Maybe throw in a coupple aim maps, but mainly stock maps...
  15. VMR

    CS:S Stock

    so it will be changed to stock server tommorow AWSOME! 2 weeks later Bring back minigames server lol atleast now you can buy weapons... and use your skills. to make it more fun add: ( fy, aim) maps. I think it would be better with the stock maps. Maybe throw in a coupple aim maps, but mainly stock maps...
  16. VMR

    CS:S Stock

    Well that was unexpected...
  17. VMR

    CS:S Stock

    "It was the wrong thing to do"? This isn't even "a thing to do", this is just freedom of speech. This thread doesn't mean anything, it's just what people want. It's a suggestion, not a demand.
  18. VMR

    CS:S Stock

    Don't get me wrong, I'd like that too. Although, setting up a pole isn't the way to do it I think. We should of talked about it with the TC instead of making a topic and deciding what we want, instead of deciding together. Making a poll isn't changing anything, so why does it really matter? The TopCrew can do what they wan't, this thread is just to get people's opinion out, and it's up to them what to do. I don't really see what's so bad about this thread...
  19. Awesome video! Saved & liked Really brought back a lot of good memories
  20. fix'd
  21. Happy birthday!

    Only 1 month older than me :V

  22. Nearly pissed my pants
  23. Correct didnt expect someone spots me so fast Why are you looking at that guy on the ground, and not the blonde girl? Because she's ugly.
  24. We can't watch films like Shutter Island either (GREAT movie imo) because people will always spoil. We've got to do a 10% story, 30% action and 60% tits movie...
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