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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by VMR

  1. Next Weekend probably, films are undecided yet. Theres about a week to come up with them. *coughcough* Back to the Future part 1 *coughcough* I agree with what Dr. Pannenkoek coughed. I don't. but why not just put all the sugestions up and have a vote. Also have a vote for what is played between the movies. I sugest 2 girls 1 cup because alot of people havn't seen it yet and im sure they would love to know what all the fuss is about XD. If we're going down that road, we might as well watch 1 guy 1 jar
  2. Grasshopper: You're to the right. The left one plays Xbox.
  3. if you've uploaded it to youtube I'd love it
  4. VMR

    CS:S Stock

  5. The ones I liked from Clav's dump: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11217331/Screens/Infected%20Wars/de_piranesi0050.jpg http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11217331/Screens/Infected%20Wars/de_piranesi0052.jpg http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11217331/Screens/Infected%20Wars/de_piranesi0053.jpg http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11217331/Screens/Infected%20Wars/de_piranesi0054.jpg http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11217331/Screens/Infected%20Wars/de_piranesi0055.jpg http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11217331/Screens/Infected%20Wars/de_piranesi0087.jpg http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11217331/Screens/Infected%20Wars/de_piranesi0086.jpg Awesome You made a great gamemode Clavus, too bad it had to be shut down.
  6. It's a great project, but I don't think it's made in a program.. With a few days of gaming, online server using the /give command it's not that hard.
  7. Both are 1920x1080 The screenshot looks like it's tripplehead
  8. Mayco: What's the resolution on your monitors?
  9. Nice @ Redgord. You made that in class?
  10. That gigantic glass thing is going to look awesome I wish I could play online with you guys :/
  11. Kjöttbullar I haven't seen you on IRC? You've gotten declined two times before, because you were inactive on IRC. Why make another one when you havent been active since that?
  12. VMR


    Your revolver is AWESOME! Make it a TF2 skin for the new ugly revolver
  13. I suggest The Expandables It's stuffed with killing and explosions.
  14. No serious movies I think V for Vendetta, Terminator or a game-related movie would be cool It can't be a "story-based" movie, because people are going to mess around anyway. Either an action movie, (like the expendables) or a comedy.
  15. 6/10 unoriginal, and not very well mixed
  16. Gonna make a huge Mr Green smily on my gun
  17. Twilight
  18. VMR
  19. I'm working on an automated animal cannon
  20. Meh'd I've done better.
  21. Behold! 4-layered cannon. it pwns. takes 23 TNT to shoot 1 TNT if you fill it up to the max
  22. not to mention greedy.
  23. Nice
  24. If they are intelligent enough to gain the ability to get near our planet, they wouldn't bother It's good research. I bet all the money I have that humans would just wipe out the entire race, and blame the scientists that wanted samples.
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