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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Axon

  1. Reminds me of my old one I used on BF2S. Got so much Karma out of it.
  2. i'm using this cool progream called kazaa for free music! my pc is going slower though
  3. have you guys played ctf-w00tabulous on ut99, it is so awesoem i'm really good at instagib - *lol*
  4. Axon


  5. Semi-France? Fuck off. They can have Wallonië
  6. Was it ever on-railed-ish?
  7. The topic title made me think you were telling us that you went to the bathroom real quick.
  8. I win'd.
  9. 1.85(ish) Me too! 186cm to be precise. Bitches be stealin' mah height D:!!! 1.88. Puny children.
  10. Going to Canada for two weeks.
  11. Pills
  12. I don't agree. It's very addictive. It's so fun to follow someone around that trusts you, and when you're both hiding someplace safe, you shoot him in the head because you were traitor all along. It's FUN.
  13. It's a nice mod, too bad very many just RDM people. Just make sure it's not too big. TTT with 32 players is not fun. Keep it max 20-24. And if people RDM, kick 'em. Problem solved.
  14. Trouble in Terrorist Town
  15. They can play it if they want. Why do you play Guild Wars? Why do you play Modern Warfare 2? That's deep bro.
  16. Now let's have lunch.
  17. Bahahahah
  19. Why?....Just Why? Do this again and I will find your house, remove the z from your keyboard and shove it up your ar- Oh I'm a skeleton lol His arze?
  20. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck no
  21. Nice picture Especially the Heavy-Coach hybrid.
  22. So yeah, at school today, we all pretended we didn't know about this big ass test we were supposed to learn for VB Programming, but the teacher still made us do it.
  23. Axon

    Custom Tags!

  24. I'm disappointed. No real L4D-L4D2 survivor dialog. Not really new stuff. Only a golf club and a M60. Boring.
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