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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Axon

  1. It doesn't destroy gameplay?! The faster uber thingy makes it virtually impossible to kill them, because they'll uber, and get another uber in, like, 25 seconds.
  2. The faster uber thing is unfair. And it's also the case with the Dead Ringer + Cloak regen. They can just survive every hit one second after decloaking. Every. Frikkin'. Time.
  3. 24 players CP No crits PLEEZ
  4. I must agree. Bert, from which country are you? Woohoo, my name is awesome.
  5. Gosh, I don't know!
  6. I'll do it! All the Scout's fingers look broken in that picture.
  7. I'm not a Demoman? Raeg
  8. Well, you were kind of a troll and annoying at times, but I think most of the regulars and me saw you as a nice guy when you weren't trolling. You deserve an unban imo, but without second chances.
  9. But that's just funny. I sometimes also jump on a guy's head in a room with a low ceiling with the Blackout shop thing. I love that, because it's funny. But then the srsfags start crying.
  10. Why bother, they won't go off.
  11. Crits is actually something you can just switch on and off. We're not talking about taking away weapons of TF2 itself.. And it's only random crits, so Axtinguisher/Headshot/Kritzkrieg still counts as a crit and does full crit damage.
  12. The 'good' players are the ones who get a lucky crit in the first place, so they can build on them.
  13. If it's a 'crits-stays-on' again, I'm boycotting.
  14. I'm going to get into this hind now.
  15. Oeh, zo officiëel
  16. But what if votes are male? Edit: Nvm (lolo)
  17. Pwned
  18. DO IT!
  19. Agreed. I don't care about the other servers. But Arena isn't really made to have crits. If it's a 1v1 at the end, and the other guy wins with 1HP and a crit, people rage.
  20. Nobody likes me either. Like I care.
  21. And nocrits. HRGNK OT: I like the Auto Assign one, but I think most people in Arena already do that. Don't know for sure on the rest.
  22. /rename "ERROR" "I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER"
  23. Like I said, it is indeed fake. Successful troll.
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