Gameserver:Mr.Green CS:S sruf server Age:19 Country of origin:Finland Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Well, I live in Finland for now,in the city of Lappeenranta. I speak 3 languages good (well i can live in that country without having problem to communicate with people) they are English,Finnish and Croatian.Then i know bit of Swedish,Russian and Italian.I am going to study Japanese next fall. I keep Every people in same value,no matter are they 10 or 20,Black or White,Theyre all people to me. Im EVERY day at least 3-5 hours on surf server. (Next section i asked my friends,what kind of person i am.) Im friendly,can party all night(guess that was little stupid to put that here >.>),happy and wont lack action when its needed. So,I ask You whoever decides about admins,To kindly accept my Application. If it is accepted i thus promise that ill use my admin powers only to good...