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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Hero

  1. + 1 EPICNESS for Kleiner hand on the screen. And I hope that this is a feature xD
  2. Your signature is now diamonds.

  3. Someone was playing Barbie 3 collector edition when suddenly something knocked on the balls of Roborobb which he enjoyed.His huge and pristine willy connected to his computer. He found pornographies even though he broke his legs last time he repaired his balls. He turned off his very small computer and went to the sex shop where Sneed was with his mother buying mans stuff. After seeing Sneed he ran away looking at headcrab which was on themassive red bus. Then Pufulet took out his gun called the Jiggalo3000 and shot headcrab right in the balls. But then he died very fast because of poison in headcrabs. He changed in a barrel to avoid some big sharks without the c*ck. The barrel had a hand with a big stick with some dogsh*t, and it says "Do a BarrelRoll!" Then he takes dark1thoughts face and crafts a Ushanka shaped like penis that was soft because he didn't have time to brush his teeth. Suddenly, a giant Roborobb's sexy cake attacks Chikennugget from outer space and to survive, he had to consume over 9000 brown cookies that were made of nordic tears, brewed with uncle sam's ale imported directly from the netherlands. He then played WoW raging like a Covenant Grunt. But then he visited the local headcrab army lab and he found a magic crowbar forgery. He had to deliver a large oblong shaped penis to EmRA's secret underground chief named Petty who had 10+ FOOTMOBILES heading towards the Whiskey Hotel. Ramirez did good kills. After that he did good kills. Ramirez headed towards the lonely island with his banana which looked like a big apple in the ass from the behind of an elephant. But, there was an AntlionGuard blocking your cock. So he used the penetrator 5000 to DO A BARRELROLL! in under 3 tiny little pity seconds he got a massive erection with Obama & Osama under his leg. He squashed them between his thighs. At this very moment he took the keys for the batmobile and hid them because he died suddenly. 34398 hours later Xerxes invaded Sparta. Sparta was very cold during the war because there was a man with no pants blocking the sun. On next day a strange man called Bob began to walk his new dog in the morgue looking, for brain for zombie as he didnt have cock long enough.
  4. Behold! What you see here is the 256-color, windows console based, 2D version of Minecraft! There are three different kinds of blocks you can choose from! Gravity! Different player models! (Choose from I, | and !) Powerful string based rendering engine! It is far better than Minecraft. I'm serious. Just kidding
  5. Hero

    Admin app?

    In Soviet Russia, company own YOU! So let's make a summary at this point: - You are 32 - You are 17 - You are studying - You need donations to keep your servers running - You own a company - You want to be admin here because you can help - You have applicated for becoming an admin on Darklands as well - You have a second acc named Hry5 ... I don't get it, can somebody explain please?
  6. I doubt we need any cartograph'd picture of the current world, if we are going to completely restart everything on a new map. But yeah, it's easier to navigate around the world if there's a proper map, and/or compass (which I doubt Notch will add, but it would be a great addition) Let's just assume that north is the direction the clouds move. Move to, or more from? Both. how can north be in two opposing directions? That's normal in my world.
  7. I doubt we need any cartograph'd picture of the current world, if we are going to completely restart everything on a new map. But yeah, it's easier to navigate around the world if there's a proper map, and/or compass (which I doubt Notch will add, but it would be a great addition) Let's just assume that north is the direction the clouds move. Move to, or more from? Both.
  8. Today's HL2-involved characters meeting was all rainbows and ponies until John wanted to eat Deluvas' brains.
  9. I was going to suggest when server sided inventories update comes in the next week we should restart again, but I thought you'd rage lol. Most people have saved inventories with persister now so the server side inventory update isn't quite as crucial as it was. Its essential in the sense that you can't edit your items or "hack" them as people like to call it. Never heard of someone hacking with a text editor xD
  10. Next planned project by Deluvas and me: Hopefully someone has Clavus' address so the ambulance can be called in time, because I fear that he will get a heart attack after seeing this
  11. I sometimes get this (epic) rendering bug when entering /home: What you see here are all tunnels/caves below the spawn
  12. The humans were finally free! So what do you think happened to all the zombies?
  13. These are nice maps, especially your zs_uglyfort remake Good job! :]
  14. It will stay. Thanks for the info Sneed & Ywa Well too bad I can't test the new updates for now... going on a vacation for a week at wednesday... Good look with the update
  15. Hey... The whole thing sounds quite interesting, but it will change ZS alot. One question... What happens to my Mysterious Stranger after the update? o.O
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