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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Lemon!

  1. "I'm coming from future of haystacks" "YOU MUST BE A SPY!" "Good day, sir" "I'm gonna lay you out like a rented mule!"
  2. Someone's gonna come and bash your face with a crowbar. . Haha, welcome, welcome. It's not safer place here. SEE WHAT I DID T-Nevermind.
  3. Search - Team fortress 2 - Player - HWM , pose with these guise. For hatless stuff you need console command of ent_fire !picker setbodygroup # (Place # with number 1-3)
  5. Shut up, Hundred. You know me.
  6. Why do you call these as episodes?
  7. Yeah, don't mind me.
  8. Doesn't it take like minutes to kill each other though?
  9. Oh my fucking god.
  10. I LOVE WEAPONS IN TEAM FORTRESS 2! NO. I WONT VOTE YOU. But I like peace and Tea parties and tellin old good stories and having a melee fight and throwing flowers... I'll vote yes c:
  11. And now you talk like a good person, Nex
  12. Durrr. Me and Error posed again together. Though, he posed a soldier and a snopiah on the background of this image. Also, big thanks for Error . Playing around with Super DOF, now I know how to use it :|
  13. You using photobucket ? Nevermind. Test;
  14. Me and Error posed these guise, till I crash'd lol it was not redi ut but lulz eneiws eonjhoy.
  15. Ah, my bad :| I can try to, when I have time?
  16. You can go to signaturebar.com and find one from there, it's full of them.
  17. Actually, when there was just me and Layer, after 20 minutes, it was full. That's one possibility.
  18. Okay, another whine thread. There's constantly stuttering, freezing and lagspiking in the Payload/Ctf/Cp servers, occasionally in Arena too. I'm not alone who is gainin' this. There are alot of other players too. Also, my ping jumps to 140+, which isn't normal because I'm having 40- normally. As for the lagspiking, I'm gaining some movement, I run in one spot for awhile, then warp forward or backwards. Is this the server? Because I haven't gained any stuttering/lag etc, before on these servers. Sorry if this is already "discussed" about, but it's frustarating and annoying, as I start to like to play in the payload and ctf/cp servers which is actually very empty most of the time. Thank you.
  20. Very nice, is your AA at max? I can see some jagged lines.
  21. Notte, they MIGHT actually MODIFY IT.
  22. Noticing a huge difference? +00000+0+
  23. It's morgan for sure. I mean like, look. http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/041/2/f/Morgan_Found__New_by_DwarfVaderRus.jpg There are some other stuff, some weirdass bubble thing and something that reminds of a "sentry". It's not a model, but you can notice that it's a sentry. I don't have links for these now though. Might be fake, but they were found in a tf2 file.
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