Very well. Why did The Heavy call Spiderman? He was sick and tired of the Sandman. Why doesn't the spy have friends? Hes a backstabber. What do you get when you cross the Ambassador with an Ubercharge? Diplomatic Immunity. A Spy walks into a bar. Bar tender says, Why the wrong face? What did the Scout say when he got his new, wooden bat for the new season of TF2 baseball? It looks stunning. How many Pyros does it take to screw in a lightbulb? They don't need lightbulbs. They use the other team for light. Why doesn't Scout's Mother talk to Spy anymore? He gave her spy crabs. Why did the Spy go to the bank? To cash a Spy check. Is that a medigun in your pocket or are you just happy to heal me. Uhhuh, not really good, but meh. Whats the Demomans favorite food? SPAM