---Scout--- Name: Pitcheres Pegasus Reference picture: /There's one already in fpsbanana for Medic tho, which looks alike this, but not totally, even close, but still same. Agreed. ---Soldier--- Name: Colonels Cap / There's one already in Fpsbanana that looks very alike this. Nah. ---Pyro--- Name: [un-Named] Reference picture: Easy to do, haven't seen them yet, expect for replacing the Cheater's lamenent (IT cointains a tail too) Nah. ---Demoman--- Name: Loch Dread / There ain't one yet like this, but something pretty similar (Dreadlocks) Agree. ---Heavy Weapons--- Name: Komrades Kap / Okay. Derpokay. ---Engineer--- Name: Crash Tester / Dem scoot has this wan. ---Medic--- Name: Surgeons Scalp / Isn't there one like this already on the game? Nah. ---Sniper--- Name: Beemans Netting / Sure, why not . Agreed. ---Spy--- Name: Flustering Fez / Spy isn't a monkey, you daft, it's a crab. Sure, why not. Agreed. Also, some of these might be abit hard to model, are you sure?