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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Gametaff

  1. I'm gonna kill you
  2. Lol they don't even know their own rules. Nevermind, I give up, they are lazy enough to don't do anything about it even though they know there are a shitload of maps which need to be deleted
  3. I'm talking about the shit maps we're looking forward to delete... jesus christ
  4. Yoshi that's completely ridiculous, do you even know what are you saying? Those maps are bought with the only purpose of trolling. Why are you a manager if you're not willing to help with this situation, great work you're doing...
  5. Like our friends STR8KASH and Moshpit
  6. What we want you to understand (well not specially you, the map managers) is that we're not the only one who are complaining about this, yeah we may be like 3 or 4 in the forums but you're ignoring 1. The HUGE amount of dislikes that many of the shit maps are getting and yet you guys don't care about it 2. The number of people asking for a proper solution here and you shouldn't count only the guys in the forums, also the random regular players Mr.Green gets EVERYDAY and say the truth about those maps, they are crap. Don't you guys realise when any of those kind of maps starts you lose a lot of players? It's pretty obvious let me tell you 3. The opinion of players who have been playing in this server FOR YEARS as @MegasXLR already said before requesting the deletion of maps such as I wanna find my destiny/bicycle or however it's called, Happy bike and all those shitty bugged maps that has nothing to do with race and are bought with the only purpose of trolling the guys who actually are playing in the race server. I've personally seen people buying these crappy maps and staying afk 1 cp before the finish just for trolling. Also, this problem has nothing to do with Trump and that comparation was really stupid :/
  7. Plus the players who don't even know the forums exist and complain in the main chat, yeah there are a lot of them
  8. You have no point at all, I don't even like hydra maps because I'm bad with planes. Nevertheless those maps should stay because hydra maps are just hard maps that are extremely hated by most of random players (ask anyone) so yeah, yet again your argument is invalid but trying to prove a point to you it's like talking to a dog, it makes no sense. Actually you're the one who is keeping the maps YOU like even though there is a bunch of people telling to you it's a bad map, you just simply don't care.
  9. Unfortunately the second party is the one with admins and mods and they will never do anything to listen to the other guys because their opinion it's the one that matters, fact.
  10. Because those aren't shit maps just hard maps, you keep being stubborn as always... edit: oh yeah you will never delete them because you have top on them lol
  11. All the maps included in that list (with very few exceptions like the hydra maps) should be deleted, just look at that like/dislike ratio ffs
  12. I've seen maps with x2 or even x3 dislikes rather likes and still haven't been deleted. Yes, there is a difference between hard maps and shit maps but if you guys have a vote system make it useful. What's the point of voting /like or /dislike if the map is not even going to be evaluated, also, you should check maps before upload them to the server, I've seen a shitload of maps with 40 likes/100 dislikes and srsly you gotta get rid of them...
  13. I actually miss the days when you played race only lol
  14. I agree with what Neconom and Megas are saying, there are over 100 maps with double dislikes than likes in the server and those haven't been deleted yet... and yes Yoshi, sorry but Freedom Flyers is pure crap and should be deleted too
  15. Well, you started it
  16. Yep, nobody gives a damn, most of the admins who replied are guys who play on mix so what do you expect lol. It's just ridiculous how people still buying maps like this and then going afk or smth
  17. I Agree with Megas and please delete all maps like I wanna find my destiny, Happy Bike and similars, those maps are not even made for race and would fit better in mix as rtf maps, just saying
  18. Thanks for everything you have done for this community @AleksCore we will miss you, good luck with your life and best of wishes for you and your family
  19. Aleks for sure
  20. Congratulations Yoshi
  21. Hugo is probably the biggest crybaby of the whole community tho, he doesn't know the difference between ramming and blocking he also blames me of blocking, just lol
  22. How are you good at NTS? lol
  23. Why u don't pick my maps Santos Demons by Ryuzaki and APFEL 10laphotring
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