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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Gametaff

  1. Need For Rape Multi Theft Rape Silent Rape Resident Rape Just Rape 2 Asassin's Rape
  2. Gametaff

    My map

    I like your maps face , I hope you keep doing more
  3. 9/10 Absolutely love this song!
  4. I will try to help
  5. Haha very true! idk who you are but Happy Bday!
  6. I played with you some races, good luck man
  7. New Map. Map Name: Black Duration: 2.00 - 2.30 Cars: Sultan, Comet, Turismo Laps: 3 Images: The Start: Tunnel: race-black.zip
  8. And the last NTS map for today: Map Name: Maelstrom Duration: 1.30 ~ 3.30 Checkpoints: 20 I will make more maps asap nts-maelstrom.zip
  9. Another RTF: Map Name: Mortal Flag Duration: 0.10 ~ 0.25 Vehicle: NRG - 500 PD. This map could be short, but it is really fun rtf-mortalflag.zip
  10. Here is another RTF: Map Name: Beyond The Hills Duration: 1.30 ~ 2.00 Vehicles: BMX, Infernus Sorry for not posting images, I don't have too much time rtf-beyondthehills.zip
  11. ...And I finished other NTS map : Map Name: Go Away! Duration: 2.00 ~ 4.00 Checkpoints: 20 nts-goaway!.zip
  12. I've finished another NTS map: Map Name: Sprint Duration: 3.00 ~ 5.00 Checkpoints: 25 Song: Enter Sandman EDIT. Shortcut near CP.13 Hope you like nts-sprint.zip
  13. happy bday Gato

  14. Finished my first NTS race, I hope everything is fine Map Name: Sunday Duration: 3.00 ~ 5.00 nts-sunday.zip
  15. Very nice idea man! I will make some NTS maps ASAP
  16. I've just finished another manhunt: Map Name: Industrial Duration: 500 Seconds Victim: Sultan Manhunters: Willard There are Barracks, Trucks and other cars over the way manhunt-industrial.zip
  17. Yeah! finally 10 reputation poins

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      57 reputation points. Does it mean that I am 57 years old? ._.

    3. rui_troia


      Then i'm 20 years old, I guess.

  18. Finished my new map: Map Name: Night Chase (includes song) Duration: 400 seconds Cars: Turismo (Barracks and Trucks hidden to block the way) ctf-nightchase.zip
  19. New RTF by GameTaff: -Spawnpoints: 34 (Premier) -Duration: 30 sec. -Map Name: Who will win? Hope you like! rtf-whowillwin.zip
  20. Rainy Day Fixed rtf-rainyday.zip
  21. I will, just I'm a bit busy at the moment
  22. Destruction Derby! I always liked gamemodes like that, The rules are very simple: 32 or more spawnpoints in the map The Race start and everybody start crashing each other The Final Survivor Wins Of course people can make their own maps PD: The Fallout Idea was nice!
  23. Ok I made this map Just Today: Map Name: I Love The 70's Duration: 2:30 - 3:00 aprox. Cars: Windsor, Clover, Hustler Song: The Hollies ~ Long Cool Woman In a Black Dress Pics: race-ilovethe70's.zip
  24. Happy Birthday Ywa, I'm kinda new on this forum, but it doesn't matter, best of wishes
  25. Yes, I played that map just tonight, you have to /reconnect if you want to finish it, but, it's bugged anyway, I hope the bug can be fixed too, It's a great map, but only the persons who reconnects the game can finish it
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