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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Gametaff

  1. I approve
  2. Believe me she doesn't, she has been banned and muted several times already. First a day, then a week and she just passed a 30 day ban a few weeks ago, it's not the first time she passes through that, she is annoying the hell out of everyone who speak spanish
  3. Again and again, can you guys just ban her forever? Really she is fucking annoying. She gets muted for 30 days and she still avoid the mute by spamming and insulting everybody on IRC. She will never learn....
  4. As I said to everyone complaining about high ping, just deal with it ffs
  5. Love
  6. Otorhinolaryngology
  7. Welcome and enjoy your stay
  8. 1. Deal with it 2. Deal with it 3. Does it affect your gameplay? 4. Who cares? 5. Agree
  9. It seems she never learns, same history as always, she just got unbanned and the first thing she must do is spamming the chat and insulting everybody in the server for no reason at all -Keep sucking those motherfuckers dicks, you asshole -Cunt -You suck, you all suck -Dickheads -Why don't you just smell my pussy -Idiot Well, the pictures speak for themselves, ban her forever, I'm not the only one who gets annoyed from this kind of people, all the guys from SA do as well. Insulting for no reason, spamming the chat, just do something with her ffs
  10. Welcome to mix, that's it
  11. Here is mine
  12. Please do something about her, I'm fucking sick of all the shit that she says, sometimes I blame myself for speaking spanish as I have to understand every single word that she writes. It's just annoying. She insults people from Peru, AFE, everyone. I believe admins didn't take any actions yet as they don't understand what she is saying but believe me, all people from SA want her out of this community. She really deserves a lifetime ban...
  13. FREE STROTH!! He deserves an unban for all the wonderful maps he has made
  14. I couldn't have said it better, agree with you 100%
  15. Yay I appear at 0:43 xD btw nice video!
  16. I agree with this, it would be nice to see all -]alw[- members wear the tag, I've seen most of them playing without it
  17. Thanks
  18. I'll help with the translation of this app: What NickYahoo is trying to say is that he has 22 years-old and love everything related with anime and videogames. He has been playing in Mr.green since 2012 and plays everyday at least 2 or 3 hours. As he has played there for a long time Nick was able to know almost every player in the server. At the very beginning he used to be very inmature but that has changed as he was growing up. So, to sum everything, he just want to contribute with the community and keep it fun from the people who ruin it most of the time Give this man a chance, I'm pretty sure he can make a good job, gl Nick, also try to put more effort in your app
  19. I agree with this, give this man admin! There are must be admins who can speak spanish because there are plenty of people spamming the server and insulting each other at nights who need to be muted
  20. I wonder if you guys took that race seriously
  21. They get of course
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