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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sacrevy

  1. PM is evening. Or, you have ridiculously long days. I failed there; i had some conversations with the school; but that's the friday after that, 19:30 - 23:00 . So i'm avaible anyway
  2. 8 PM? Friday? Y coconuts; I cant be online while i'm in school can I? EDIT: Nevermind. I'm avaible <-- A smiley which nobody uses.
  3. That's great; teach her saying ZomBitch! No just kidding ;) I'd love to hear the progress of her! Please keep me updated :V

  4. if only I had skype... if only I had skype... For you we'll make an exception, but fill in the rest of the questions Maybe we could adopt some of the ProdiGuild members? IGN= stardude9 Experience = Quite a bit Time = 1-2 during weekdays weekends about 6 Reason = Everyone hates me in prodiguild (keep getting griefed abused etc) Communication = None since I have no social life Player type = Raider Accepted. But that is mostly because i know you for quite some time now, and you're not a bad player. Welcome to RealisM! -add me on steam: 'ZomBitch' or 'TheZombitch'
  5. How is your little sister doing? :3

  6. if only I had skype... if only I had skype... For you we'll make an exception, but fill in the rest of the questions Maybe we could adopt some of the ProdiGuild members?
  7. Hello everyone; We've kicked some of our old members and this is basically an copy of the Ranger's application, but okay. Fill in these questions if you would like to join our faction on the Minecraft server. 1 Your IGN. 2 How long have you been on this server, and how much experience do you have with faction wars? 3 How many hours do you play a day? 4 Why would you like to join us? 5 What's your age? *Dont lie.* 6 Can you skype? Skype is needed in our faction. *Sometimes we'll make exceptions. 7 What type of player are you? Fighter/builder/farmer/enchanter, potion maker. / Or all of them?
  8. Aww, Corby. I'm afraid oogappeltje has spelled his name wrong, his IGN = XxexplosionzzxX Thanks, ZomBitch and the rest.
  9. Dear Chrisje Simon, this is a message for all the users that keep making new threads, i suggest you can also PM clavus or corby on his l4g account. Only create a new thread if needed.
  10. It's not Notch, it's the server. You guys made the server, not Notch. What he's trying to say, is that notch could make the game go less buggy, considering minecraft doesn't even have high quality, the game is really laggy, at every server. Notch should fix that I bet some people already have the faction tag 'RealisM' just like our previous map
  11. I would like to donate 10 euros; and maybe in 1 or 2 months again, because i dont own BF3 but i'd like to donate anyway EDIT: I won't pay it every month.
  12. If there's no way else; Open console - Type in : 'coc qasmoke' - Go to all scrolls/books and grab it
  13. 9/10 (L) Smexy, but not as nice as this one :3
  14. Can you make pictures with Fraps? Anyway, I didn't use Steam because um..... well.... you see.... I.... kinda... no comment. =$ You downloaded it for free, like me. Go to steam - games - add a non-steam game - (select the game in programs) Then go to steam, games , run it from there, and you can make steam screenshots of the gameplay. Your welcome.
  15. Okay, i resetted my world and started all over again... Let's do this! *10 minutes later* "kill the vampire! burn the vampire!" GODDAMNIT *rage*
  16. I'm a full vampire, they wont let me in in Morthal, and if i go to that mage, all the guards will try to kill me, including the mage himself, any other solution?
  17. Hell no, i cant seem to get off that Vampire curse, i'm a full vampire and everybody hates and attacks me, i cant even get into a single city or buy anything from anybody. Any way to get cured, while you're a full vampire? Or is there a way to stop people being mad at me? They arent very nice D': EDIT: Y know, fuck it. I'll just start a new game, goodbye Wood elf <3 Goodbye over 40 hours of work D':
  18. God i'm addicted to this game... But, i accidently became a vampire, and i need to know how to stop being a vampire Any suggestions?
  19. ...it actually works >.> Ps: I would't do it if i were you
  20. Too bad my quality is set to low, and everytime i attack people, my pc starts lagging. I need to get a new one if i want to play Skyrim. Also i just did 5 hours for one quest; that's crazy >_> Does anyone have a good quest for me, and tell me where i can find it? thanks
  21. You are so meanie, you should be a greenie :]

    No seriously, why arent you a green?

  22. and ZomBitch admitting to having X-Ray, When i had Xray, that whas about 4 maps ago, our faction whas called Navy Seals and Ooga and MrCoceane werent in that faction yet. Think before you argue :3
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