Just play it. Seriously. My 'lil bug list for now: -Right click on doors wont create a sound -Endermans sounds like zombies -Silverfishes sounds like spiders o.o -Some mobs randomly die in the night, and when u hit it, their red is kinda glitched. -And some others (10+) But i forgot them xD
Hello everybody! If you want to play 1.8 on my private server, join the hamachi network: "1.8zombitch" It has no password, then join the server (ingame) Enjoy! ^^
*Looks at your post* *Looks at the other posts* Who's the racist idiot here? Why would you even start about my/others IQ? That doesnt make any sense. Please stay at the subject.
Here's gonna be an epic noob question but i cant stand not asking it: How do you move objects?.. like how'd u let them fly and move em around to place them
This world has been a nice world, RealisM faction lived through the whole world, and we liked it. Now here's something i made in 10 minutes just 'bout the 1.7 world ^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPIH7-a8n2s