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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sacrevy

  1. No no no noo WE JUST FINISHED OUR BASE GOD**** No no no noo WE JUST FINISHED OUR BASE GOD**** No but seriously.. Dont do that -.-
  2. Now lets wait for the plugins to update... >.<
  3. 6/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8STvXRggyaw&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL89AB78ABD079430E
  4. Sacrevy


    Goodluck omdat juh nl bent
  5. Will you guys stop 'bout that please?...
  6. Sacrevy


    Goodluck, but you gotta be more active on the forums =D
  7. Post this on the bans/unbans topic ?.. t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t (sorry, had to do that )
  8. Sacrevy


    Just play it. Seriously. My 'lil bug list for now: -Right click on doors wont create a sound -Endermans sounds like zombies -Silverfishes sounds like spiders o.o -Some mobs randomly die in the night, and when u hit it, their red is kinda glitched. -And some others (10+) But i forgot them xD
  9. Sacrevy


    Hello everybody! If you want to play 1.8 on my private server, join the hamachi network: "1.8zombitch" It has no password, then join the server (ingame) Enjoy! ^^
  10. *Looks at your post* *Looks at the other posts* Who's the racist idiot here? Why would you even start about my/others IQ? That doesnt make any sense. Please stay at the subject.
  11. Here's gonna be an epic noob question but i cant stand not asking it: How do you move objects?.. like how'd u let them fly and move em around to place them
  12. This world has been a nice world, RealisM faction lived through the whole world, and we liked it. Now here's something i made in 10 minutes just 'bout the 1.7 world ^^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPIH7-a8n2s
  13. So umm all these hats cost's green coins?... And how many green coins can i get by donating 10 euro's?
  14. Sacrevy


    MMm, i hope the real enderman is better
  15. Woo, Rangers has deleted most of their enemies, now Mathematic is part of rangers too, Congratz, Mathematics
  16. Sacrevy


    These guys should come in 1.8 (=
  17. Sacrevy


    Sweet, that silverfish would drop iron? ... Blue spiders? Endermans, they should be tamable to command them
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