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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sacrevy

  1. The fun thing is that i left any faction; being unactive till the next world, i killed a guy with my fists (he had diamond armor) :3 ; Then i got my killing spree; created a lil' faction; Got to their base; got inside; Raided them
  2. Lol'd hard PS: If we had a shield, why did Oogappeltje died at the 2nd picture? I survived; like a boss ;d
  3. Look at the flag after the explosion; That doesn't make any sense.. :3
  4. 6:22? This looks like 8:10 bro <.< Nope, its 289:30992 out there... Blind fools :>
  5. not working enemy's still have godmode with relogging The pvp log glitch will still work if you log out BEFORE you get hit, if you log out after you got hit, you have to wait 20 seconds and in the main time he killed you already. ;D
  6. Lol'd , Satu1 is the new account of ch1ck3nw1ng, chickenwing whas banned too (over 4 months ago) ;p
  7. IGN: XxZomBitchxX Date of ban: Monday 24 October. Person who banned you: Auto spamming system (lagg caused spam) Reason: Spamming, atleast, the lag made it look like spam. After that i told i used to have xray, which made me stay banned Why would you get unbanned? I love this server, i might even be the most active player *nolife* But i love this server, for over a year.. Being active every day over several hours, which is over 1 year... Every day... multiple hours.. = over 600/700 hours played =/ *Time to go outside, little boy!*
  8. Guys, this used to be an bf3 post..
  9. Maybe you could set up a specified group which could accept the people that want to get whitelisted?
  10. Love it. It is actually a great idea, the server wont be as much full as earlier, because there are less random new people, and less hackers
  11. 8/10 ZomBie music... (Imagine a sworm of zombies is coming towards ya)
  12. Happy birthday my friend 102 ;D
  13. Happy birthday 102:D

  14. Congratulations with your reputation of 100! :o

  15. I'd like to report a pretty big problem. There are factions that have over 200 power, or over 130, and they have less then 50 land claimed. (Like invicta) When you get in, spawn trap them, and find out you can go on forever untill you die... I had that a lot of times, and it sucks :/ Even though i dont think you can do anything to it, but if someone is getting spawn trapped by some people, and they are taking it badly, (if you are online) you can disband them? Because on this way we will never get the chance to raid Invicta, and i got in there, and spawn trapped them till my death.
  16. Okay, i'll try it. (With that i mean i'm gonna edit it, and make it better.)
  17. You need to know the limits.
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