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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by confusion

  1. sadly ctf server is dead
  2. the reason of this treads existence is to post screens and to confuse
  3. Google antagonist
  4. will play in opposite team for a week, will post screenshots of fallen friends that's it
  5. 68$ is a bit too much
  6. well, it's funny
  7. very nice, would like to own it http://www.keiththompsonart.com/pages/grandmap.html
  8. i was amazed how noobish other servers can be, i rembeber one time on that .de servers (there are a lot of them), it was turbine i went fist only with a heavy, not only did I have positive K/D ratio i was third best on the server (other players played normaly)
  9. yea against noobs, you could never do it on green
  10. early days rambling being silly no comment
  11. let confusion explain ctf/cp payload arena koth so mr green has 4 tf servers http://www.mr-green.nl/portal/?page=servers this was on arena, im the axons right wingman (i thinks )
  12. that answers a lot (no i don't)
  13. meh, cant get the textures to load, and other stuff, any way to fix this
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnPzR1-Dp2c& gladiator one, awesome
  15. I seldom play payload but I dont mind cranetop, and i like first two stages, the third one is bit too big.
  16. count me in I have got the money, only need a Brit who will buy it for me
  17. the best ones are that on junction build sentry in front of the first gate that leads to B
  18. i like to play with fadenoir he heals and stuff
  19. engie definatly
  20. anything Monty python family guy bullshit occasional south park ------------------------------------------------- about others Lost, turns to soap opera after season 2 (stopped there) Heroes, season 1= awesome, season 2=mediocre, season 3= meh (stopped watching it) Prison break was good until they escape, no will to watch further
  21. confusion

    Epic fail!

  22. he should change his name to: Haxon
  23. sandwitch is overpowered IMO, nom nom nom and at full strenght, it heals me completly no mater how i use it (taunt or click)
  24. somone called me?
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