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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by awesomeo_5000

  1. I like this a lot. I think this is more discouraging because you miss the funnest part of a faction wars map.
  2. Members are only allowed to reply to topics when they are involved. Your warn level will be increased if you do not comply.
  3. MiddMartijn, can you please watch my replies above. You aren't getting unbanned.
  4. We did actually try that out, but it lagged the CPU to the point of crashing.
  5. You're not getting unbanned because you are permabanned for hacking. I don't feel you deserve to be an exception to that rule considering a) you still play on the server with your alt, meaning you are losing nothing but extra power and on that alt you are again breaking the rules. In all honesty I came into this thread thinking I'd probably unban you, but after examining the facts there is no chance.
  6. Let's see how the enchanting limitations work out first, we can always adjust them if things need adding or removing. I've looked into the /f home issue before, it is indeed infuriating when people abuse it. Last I checked there wasn't anything we could do. Would be cool if you could prevent f homing on your own land if an enemy is close by, not the same radius but enough to prevent them from disappearing in battle.
  7. Nah. You have another account to play on and if you feel like advertising other servers on that one, then I don't feel like being kind to your alt.
  8. Sharp V only does 1-2 damage on full Prot. II. Quotes from the first page of this thread.
  9. I have a macbook air and its specs are shitty, but I manage to run MC fine with a HD texture pack on normal render. Have you tried allocating more RAM? I used to use something called Magic Launcher, which easily allows you to add mods and allocate RAM. It lets you know of any mod conflicts too - I had optifine and WE working fine. If Magic Launcher is still being developed I'd recommend it, I found it on the official forums.
  10. The only annoying thing about spawners is the people that get super OP gear as a result, so hopefully it won't be as noticeable. On the topic of instant damage, the only issue I could see is as someone mentioned, people using invisible potions and damage spamming an unaware player. I did another test with Prot. II + Instant Damage; Direct Hit 4-5 damage 1 block away - 1-2.5 damage 2 blocks 1-1.5 Based on that, it might not be as much of a problem as I first thought, because IME it is very hard when both people are in motion to hit the same block your enemy is standing on with a splash potion. I'm pretty excited about this change
  11. In my defence, your name is hard to spell! I did try
  12. I did a few tests (Thanks Kodauer). Full Prot III 4 damage by direct hit with instant damage II. 1-2 damage by direct hit with Sharp V sword. Full Prot IV 1/2 - 1 damage by direct hit with instant damage II 0-1/2 damage by direct hit with Sharp V sword.
  13. I don't fully understand the equation given on the wiki. But the total EPF (don't ask, I don't know) for protection IV is 11.25 whereas prot IV is 23.25. I don't think full Prot III would be overpowered especially considering the fact you could still get fully enchanted swords. Is this actually an issue? I've only heard of people using it when people wimp out of fights and log. It stops the attacker having to trek across the map again, which I think is a good thing.
  14. * Low enchants like 2 - 3 maps ago. - Personally, I think we should start small. Try removing Prot IV first, and see how combat is rebalanced. I think thats where a lot of the problems lie. * No public end - Historically has ended in tears. With the new pearl plug in, a portal monopoly would unbalance combat considerably. * Keep it allowed to place Brewing stands, furnace, Enchantment tables. - Obviously * Maybe look at all the Admin apps and think about it, it would be great if we have a American admin because of the time difference. - There is a need yes, but the right candidate IDK. * GET A DAMN SMALLER MAP !!! - Agreed, should take a look at the spread of factions on the current dynmap and set the world border to that. * Maybe add a bit more voting sites and get 2 dia's each vote and some XP. - If anything I think we need less sites for the same reward. * Add a 1 minute pvp timer after each 60 minutes relogg. - Not sure what this will improve?
  15. For the next map, would you want Protection IV taken out? A full set of Prot. IV armour gives a 86-96% damage reduction.
  16. Well a lot of the time people get uppity about removing stuff. The idea's been suggested before, many many times but there seems to be a big divide in those that want it and don't. And from the perspective of new people joining us it'd be a little hard to explain, and even discouraging for them to see they can't get a lot of enchantments. I think it's important if we were going to do something like this to not do too much at once. Removal of Prot IV would be pretty transparent - if it's well received then people can share their thoughts on if other things need balancing. I'll make a poll and see if people actually do want to do it. If someone could make a post on minecraft.nl as well it'd help
  17. All I'd suggest is the removal of Prot IV. It's easily explainable in the MoTD, detracts little from the actual minecraft experience and would make combat a little more dynamic. See if players enjoy it/hate it for a map, and then go from there. You still have every other enchantment to work towards, you can still have OP swords, it's just shortening battles and making people rely on teamwork a little more. What needs fixing on the dynmap shot?
  18. I don't see how you guys enjoy Protection IV fights. I think ultimately that's what put me off Minecraft PvP. All tactics and teamwork went out the window only to be replaced by 10 minutes of left clicking and potion spamming.
  19. You were unbanned, no? The difference is you still have to mouse over to see the durability, meaning a pause in combat for inventory check. That and the distinction that one is available to all minecraft players, and the other is something you have personally downloaded and added to your minecraft jar.
  20. This is actually part of vanilla minecraft. Anyone wanting to see the durability of their tool can press F3 + H (debug + modifier). http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Debug_screen
  21. There's this plug in that would be helpful for ease of voting. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/votenow/ Users can type /vote which brings up a list of websites that they can click. There's a famous mod called Enjin (http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/emp/) that has 'dynamic vote detection', and personally messages players with the appropriate link if they are eligible to vote on that particular site but haven't. The plug in is much more than that though and not really appropriate for our set up, but if there was a plug in that just provided the vote detection (or an easy way to code it) that'd be ideal.
  22. http://db.tt/5tT9AU2i IS YOU LEARNED YET?
    1. AfuSensi


      So thats where babys come from!

  23. I remember your name actually. What faction were you in to begin with? Demacia? Can't find much on record, the only reference to you is about teleporting - Unbanned.
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