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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by awesomeo_5000

  1. If the guy said he'd release it on the 20th of September, giving him all the current time spent on it and more. People wouldn't be annoyed. He needs to learn to give more realistic deadlines and if he isn't going to meet them, get some more help. I'm not too fussed seeing as the pre-release is out. But I'm itching to have our new world.
  2. Well fuck. Waiting for the new world is really grinding my gears.
  3. What the fuck was that? I don't even... Also, it's memories. You hypocritical toe.
  4. awesomeo has a crazy hatred for everyone who is white lol, probably the reason we have so many enemies xD Awesomeo has a crazy hatred for everyone who has a full white name in the chat* Already been accused of being neo-nazis lets not get our selves in some sort of anti-KKK now . Unrelated, but quality viewing.
  5. We've not gone soft, rather allowing our selves to actually see who we're allied with. Unfortunately for some, I have a hatred for all-white names in the chat. I like to be able to pick through what my eyes choose to see according to importance. On a lighter note though, you are - and always will be - a sworn enemy of ours.
  6. Rangers would like to give a warm welcome to our newest member - Grasshopper; Welcome, Grasshopper!
  7. Enjoy your new base zombitch. We've retired for the night, but not before leaving you a little present.
  8. Another popular tactic is not being an extremely annoying character, with a passion for MLP. I believe Corby has been given the go-ahead by Clavus to disband ancient factions.
  9. The only one I like is ChopTree. I had it on Yogsbox and it made my life so very much easier. Plus I hate it when you go to raid someones base and there's a bunch of half cut trees around.
  10. "I'm not mad, just disappointed."
  11. Ironic that my post actually had more to do with the current topic than yours, whilst also including a picture of some pop whore. You poopy mouth.
  12. Rangers base has also been subject to mountains. Touché on one of them, it's a pretty good mountain. Luckily for us we began our move out yesterday to the new super psychedelic house. (Pics to come) Also included is a recently found picture of Ke$ha, actually looking hot for a change. Greetings, Awesomeo_5000
  13. That was quoting Notch, in the video towards the end he says very soon, definitely within the next couple of weeks. Looks like our combat system will be totally done over. Eating will take time and it will all be way more complex. I wonder if there will be mods to revert to the current simplistic battle system? The features don't excite me as much as a new world does! I want to build a new base
  14. 1.8 coming very soon, 'within the next couple of weeks' http://uk.ign.com/videos/2011/08/27/pax-minecraft-new-updates-commentary So excited :|
  15. This DanielPotter guy sounds like my kind of dude. If you get killed, deal with it. If you are 50 blocks away and they catch up and kill you in a few seconds, then you have reason to log in to the forums to complain.
  16. Anyone would think we were a violent kind? I wouldn't ruin such an event personally. Just sit at home and judge others for attending like an antisocial teen at prom time.
  17. Scourge, rather than have Zombitch in your clan. I'll come over to yours and kick you in the balls repeatedly whilst you play Minecraft?
  18. Count me in and watch your kill/death drop dramatically admins. Muahaha.
  19. Wezrine was speed/fly hacking, didn't get an actual shot of him doing it. But when called out on it he admitted fully. To add salt to the wound, he complained the hack wasn't that great because it was 'laggy'. Icanhazbanhammer?
  20. It's a slow day in the Ranger's base.
  21. Pro, you don't even use TNT you little freak. It just means that people can come and blow apart your entire base, leaving you to return 8 hours later with nothing. I agree with the current set up, at least you have a chance to defend. It makes raids (and being raided) more fun.
  22. That's how I understood it as well Salty. And Corby I've backed off for now. Finished the wall though
  23. There's a glitch wherein if you stand near a lever you can't be hurt. At least that's how I understood it. Valhalla members were involved in this shot. Any ideas how to get round it?
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