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Mr. Green Gaming


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Toxik last won the day on September 30 2012

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About Toxik

  • Birthday 10/10/2000

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  • Location
    Drogheda, Ireland, Earth, Solar System

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  1. Here is a page header I quickly made that you can use https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/88315692/Mr%20Green%20Page%20Header1.png
  2. Looks really good! When will this be a public gamemode?
  3. Toxik


    That's not true. I've seen a good few fly hackers and they weren't kicked by the server.
  4. Good luck
  5. Finally you made an application! GOOD LUCK!
  6. Good luck, you deserve it!
  7. Same, happened to me but I atleast got the cancel and accept buttons though.
  8. Think about it, we are trying to make the fights not so long so keeping Sharp IV and Sharp V would be good.
  9. This is the defiantly the best idea for making voting a rewarding thing. I sure that diamonds will be just too much. Kod and I just want to see fights like this: You're not the only ones.
  10. IGN: kamil2000pl Faction: KFC
  11. The only time that I think a PvP arena would be any good would be at a competition. We have no need to have them scattered around the map when it's meant to be faction wars. Faction wars is meant to what it says, factions having wars with each other. But coming back to the competition idea I don't think that you should have high end equipment like in the video. I think it should be a full set of iron armour and a diamond sword with a bit of food. I don't know what you think but to me this is a good idea
  12. Toxik

    Day Z

    I will definitely get the Dayz Standalone when it comes out. The plan you made is very good in my opinion. The two squad idea is the best.
  13. Toxik

    Day Z

    I'm considering buying the two DLCs for ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead as they are only 10,78€ on the steam sale atm. Are they worth it?
  14. Toxik

    World of Tanks

    My dad used to play this game and he said that it's good but there was one thing he hated which was the way the tanks disappear. I might try it my self too.
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