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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. Declined
  2. BlueYoshi97


    Locked, try again when you're mature enough.
  3. BlueYoshi97


    I don't see any reason to unban you.
  4. nuevo Lisa
  5. Don't know how you got drunk so early in the morning but please do it more often.
  6. BlueYoshi97


  7. I banned her for 3 months a couple of weeks ago.
  8. Accepted
  9. Declined
  10. Thanks for the report, no need to keep this discussion going.
  11. ITT
  12. On my Linked IN page I call myself Boss, Director and Server Manager. But you can shorten it to BDSM
  13. Yeah but that guy joined when the map was already started for 2 minutes, so then that means people joining later are also a problem.
  14. Well, we just played the map Elite. EVERYONE (about 14 players) who was in the server when the map started was playing, they have ALL died, except me. After two minutes a new guy came in who spent the rest of the time downloading the map, another guy came in and out and one more guy joined to play and also died. And I still did not get the achievement...
  15. Can you guys settle your differences ASAP?? I've already talked with Ywa before about how it's difficult to get anything done in a crew in which some people hate each other's guts. If you can't learn to work together then it's better if one of you goes.
  16. Brazil Street Racing v2 Comfortably Numb Etiqueta Negra Ich bin Pizdec LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION LR-yoyo 10 Origin Megamix Race Waka Waka Rollercoaster Wooziee's hidden faproom Ywa - OMGWTFBBQ
  17. Is there a way to make it so that AFK players are not included? Yesterday I won a map without dying, and I'm pretty sure all the other players who were playing did die, but there were also tons of players who were just not playing at all. It is impossible to get this achievement right now. Same thing for players who join halfway through the map by the way.
  18. blablabla not worth my time, not my skills, i'm gonna click aw- *opens Photoshop*
  19. I think that one is not so bad actually, if you're going to delete any long map rather make it a boring one like the one from Puma, or "Drift Project 2".
  20. Well, that's what teams should be for, but people team up with players from other clans all the time as well, so that's why it doesn't really matter what team you are in.
  21. Ah, ok, that's perfectly fine, no problem with that, don't get me wrong. I agree, teams in Mix server are just for fun. It is just that, because the teams are for fun, sometimes I wonder why people seem to take them a bit too serious or get into arguments with each other over it, I don't see the point of that. But they are just part of the mix server culture I guess. xD
  22. Well, in race there actual clans like AFE, IDC, SiK, SGA and more, who regularly have clan wars against each other, have their own server, own websites... they are clans with status not just in Mr. Green, you must become a good enough player to join any of those teams. Because you can't join one of these teams easy, in Race you see usually most player in the servers are not in a team. So I'm always wondering when I play in mix, that almost everybody is in a team, and people take it so serious while for me, I honestly can't tell the difference between any of them.
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