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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. Beyond Illusion race-sotrkarts.zip Singing by Manon Novak.
  2. What the hell is up with you. I was trying to cheer him up by suggesting this whole drama might just be an April Fools joke, but didn't want to make it TOO clear in case it really WAS an April's Joke, I didn't wanna ruin the joke then. I love you too Dark Star.
  3. Just no. Love, Darkstar.
  4. Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday!

  6. The Woman In Black... "never forgi"never forgNEVER FORGIVEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. The Woman In Black... "never forgi"never forgNEVER FORGIVEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Griffon


      Its quite mediocre at best, 1-2 scary bits at most.

    2. Tom Klijbroek
  8. Did you know Ariel is a Weasley?

    Red hair, second-hand clothes, obsession with people (Muggles)...

  9. In the worst case we'll just break into your house and do our thang.
  10. Eating Playboy Bunny Chocolate Cake

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BlueYoshi97
    3. Pufulet


      Im gonna get some playboy energy drinks.

    4. Mayco


      packed with fudge

  11. Eating Playboy Bunny Chocolate Cake

  12. Happy more years! What do you wanna level up? Your HP, FP or BP?
  13. Anything that's not from Rockstar themselves is not legit.
  14. Fake, and in addition, old.
  15. The least you can do to implement this is to make a map where you could script barrel drops, like when you press c to fly but instead you'd drop a barrel, but still imo that would be extremely hard to make.. It's a nice suggestion tootao, but I just don't see it happen on this server. Actually a good idea. BinSlayer or .:SDK:. could make this script in a jiffy.
  16. Congratulazioni!

  17. Congratulazioni!

  18. Modern Heretics - Part 2 Black & White script by TopAz. race-kickinitolskool.zip
  19. Makes me wish I created Daisy and Amy a month later.
  20. Nah, it would feel lonely, if you can only see yourself.
  21. BlueYoshi97


    Het is de legendarische Kraay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Tell us about your characters. My character, Saturnal Moonshine, and her girl Lydia live in Misty Grove: It's a beautiful place, sadly there is no way out. Even fast-traveling doesn't work. So when I wanna leave Misty Grove I have to use noclip to go through the hidden door: This is my favourite apparel and weapon for her: Not a clear picture, but I'm wearing my: -Silver And Moonstone Circlet -Moon Amulet -Elven Dagger (Fine) The other clothes differ from time to time, although I always wear casual clothes, never heavy armor. Also, I use daggers pretty much all the time. Also... I found a butterfly in a jar. I wanna release her, but I don't know how!
  23. Maybe he is in a better place now.
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