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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. The way I see it, Just ask yourself, What would clavus think of me if I post this image. Probably something like.. 'Idiot' Then it'd probably be best not to post it. Clavus thinks me and Tom Klijbroek are idiots anyway, so for us it doesn't matter if we do as it won't change his opinion. Nyahahahah.
  2. GIFs should be rare and unexpected anyway. This way, they will be extra funny.
  3. Excuse me, I hereby claim that picture, meaning you may never use it again without my permission.
  4. Which songs make you think of the beautiful Earth? They may be obvious and associates. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtBfAaS3gO8
  5. I imagine you're a girl as well.

  6. Lovely skin, thank thee!
  7. Browser-version shows the same problem, Turning off firewall doesn't work, Clavus, I love you! Also, wanna reset the server for me? Yes he can.
  8. How insulting. Giving the Moon a Human-face is a typical Human-act, with their pretencious pride and dignity. Portraying the Moon this bad however, adds ignorance to the list. TheMightyBoosh is very misleading. Rahter create your own reality.
  9. Sedative intoxication creates time, manipulating what we all have, just showing us the wisdom to work with it. My path that connects the Moon, the Sun, the Earth and my mind could be close to the Lysergic one, but the Lysergic path only shows temporarily - not giving you the time to find your goal. Plants would ruin my ability to find my own path.
  10. Which songs make you think of the beautiful Sun? There are unlimited. You know with everything, you associate? If you listened to a certain song on a very Sunny day, that song might make you think of the Sun too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCKPAM2hmDI
  11. It also means people can come out, and there will be an Uber rapist waiting for them. i know there are many dumb people but usually not that dumb I did - it's actually very difficult to categorize they who reach their knowledge, as this is based on conceptions, which simply makes it impossible for simple humans. In fact, we're are equally dumb by ourselves, and the way we chose shows us the wisdom we want to find. Maybe you agree then, or you have not read the subtitle of this topic - otherwise you don't understand your own conceptions.
  12. I do not think this is a joke. If it would be a joke, it would be a good joke, because it created doubt. If this is not a joke, it's a very cool topic. I love mozzie for what he offers us, and we should feel intimidated and obey his will, for he has offered us his service, and that means he has an advantage to us. Do not make your conceptions overtake the mysterious world where the truth may be hidden, if the truth is not yet found.
  13. Oh yes I have deleted everything Minecraft-related more than numerous times, tried the browser, tried updates, tried all Javas, tried the timeclocks, tried rebooting my pc, all loads of times. What else is there to try? Perhaps the Sun is right. The Sun is shining on me and told me "Minecraft is not your kind of game." Oh, the lovely Sun, she lights up the wisdom but I am still too dense to grab it! Then again, I think it's important to... sometimes obstinate. Since knowledge and conception are not equal, although neither is better or worse either. But how will I be sure? My theory is a conception itself! But I can of course collect all the wisdom from the sunbeams. Oh, but that wisdom from the sunbeams is only created in my mind by adding experience and conceptions. Oh, the wisdom grants much more clearance but the conceptions grant more options!
  14. No matter how dark and unclear the road is, there has to be an end! My hopes and dreams will light up and then there's also a clown and acrobat guiding me mentally.
  15. I tried that but updating Minecraft makes it crash. It's just stops at 2% somewhere. Google and I are still friends, but Google showed me all the knowledge, to a limit. This bug is nasty and Google isn't able to solve it.
  16. Yes, I'm an angel over here.
  17. BlueYoshi97


    I wanted to find out if the Moon shines in the Left4Green server in Minecrap, but Minecrap doesn't work for me. I can't join the server cuz: I already: -Tried all the Javas in the world, including 64-bits and 32-bits. -Syncing my time clock with the internet (no not my own idea, but this is what the official site tells me to do) -Deleting Minecraft / Java from my pc a couple of 9089308943890489304 times. -Doing a barrel roll (not gonna try again) -The "Angry" approach (WORK GOD DAMN IT) -The "Happy" approach (I love you Minecraft, with your beautiful graphics and magnificent societies) -The "Desperate" approach (PLEASEEEEEEEEEE I'LL DO ANYTHING JUST WORK PLEASEEEEEEEEE) Please help! I want to proof towards myself how crappy this game is! I mean fun! I mean whatever!
  18. So Mayco and Ywa, how's it going with the X-ParaMental game?
  19. I'm pretty sure that was english. Translation from english to english: TopCrew states the rules. We follow them. It's that simple No shit Sherlock, the 'what' was rhetorical. You're acting as if mere suggestions were banned from this 'supereme ideology'. I agree. We're a community, and just because Topcrew makes decisions doesn't mean they should always be right. (btw I wanted to look who gave the +1 to BinSlayer and then I actually +1'ed his post myself, doesn't mean I agree with him. Now you know!)
  20. I'd like 3 Medium McForts and a large vanilla milkshake. And don't you dare forget the drinking straw.
  21. Congratulations!

  22. Congratulations!

  23. I've volunteered a couple of times... I'd love to sort them all out. Never got the green light though. I think /votedelete after which the map gets deleted is a very bad idea. A few weeks later we will have nothing left. The only solution: Admins should stop being lazy and start testing the maps. When BOTH the players and the admins think the map is not good enough, it gets deleted. And again I'd love to help.
  24. When the devil wants to dance with you, you better say never because the dance with the devil might last you forever.
  25. My school-related stuff consists like 40% of doodles, 50% of poems and other creative writing, and 10% of supposed school work, so I'm just showing a few pictures of doodles, otherwise I'd be uploading all night. I create doodles without thinking beforehand - meaning everything you see here is created by randomly moving my pen over the paper to draw a line or cirkle, and then thoughtlessly making more lines and circles until something appears that even I can't identify. You may notice my hand-writing is unreadable, so I won't post any poems.
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