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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by TheGreenGrasshopper

  1. I doubt that there will be much difference actually. Backpack gets new coding, lag fix, stuff like that.
  2. 2 more days people
  3. The new pokémon start sucking harder and harder imo
  4. Or he could jsut come here and really say what he meant
  5. THE GAME WE LOST IT damn you tesla
  6. fascism
  7. Not me, I've been minding my own bussiness in my small cottage besides qtesla's something
  8. you do not
  9. I didn't make it, I found it xD
  11. catscratch
  12. gigantic
  13. dimensions
  14. pessimism
  15. Just saying, 5 more days till beta comes out. ARE YOU RDY FO EPIC MINECRAFT?!
  16. tf2
  17. clavus/ywa error and mayco I think
  18. heatseeking (and lol we have had like 10times kids+pedobear)
  19. kindergarden
  20. but there was no place for late joiners, we had to make a way through peoples houses and over fences miles out of the village just for a spot to built.
  21. toy
  22. How about we end this right here. -I'm sorry to hear that if you guys are really leaving because of this, but I will wish you the best of luck. -The ban may or may not have been rightious(or however you spell that), but the admin is always right as stated in the MOTD and the rules. (UNLESS he really exagerates ofc) -Remember it's still a game and the internet, don't take everything so serious. I'm trying to be the mature one here and keeping thinks a bit in hand.
  23. It's kind of stupid to ban for this and even if the ban would be rightfull (imo), you didn't ban everyone involved in this. Everyone should be dealed with equally, and I don't want to look like an ass or something but this is still the internet. People can be annoying from time to time, jsut ignore as if the other 20 players care about what people think of you. Just my 2 cents EDIT: That does not mean that I agree with how you guys were acting. Stop behaving so childish and act a bit mature fcol.
  24. donkey
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