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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by TheGreenGrasshopper

  1. Good luck fellow Belgian
  2. The only real issue I'm having is ofc the fps lag and that it randomly freezes now and then. It's kinda sad though that I'm still on the top of the scoreboard with such intense lag.
  3. The most fun part in bc2 is that, even in mp, you can blow everything to pieces. Say goodbye to your cover.
  4. Damn you woods, nice drawing man.
  5. this one is awesome
  6. It's funny how the same "it's the same game" bullshit comes up again just like with l4d2. I love playing LoZ or mario or medal of honor and all that stuff, I'm not whining about the things that are alike, I'm checking what is new. I'm not gonna whine when portal 2 comes out that the only thing they added were new maps, some new tools and co-op. I'm gonna freaking enjoy it. /rant
  7. you get it at x-mas??
  8. dutch company is slow so I'll probably have it tomorrow. I better have it tomorrow.
  9. Only play games for amusement, not for glory or fame because once you start working it takes the amusement away and eventually the game itself. /wise talk
  10. Exactly hundred =P GO TEAM GREEN!!!
  11. For the people who want to see the uav/airstrike/dogs in action A commentator I subbed got a Black Ops game on Xbox last sunday on eBay and he decided to commentate one. He already has an advantage of 20 levels....
  12. Errr what emra? I asked because I'm sure he knows the site way better than I do, and srry that I missed the fact that it said ponds instead of euros
  13. http://www.game.co.uk/Help/~h9846/Despatch/Countries/ They deliver to Belgium, not sure how much the transportation costs though. It does tell you though before you purchase it. http://www.game.co.uk/Help/~h9845/Despatch/Postage/ There you go! Ah but it's in ponds, so there's the difference. It's about €52 without shipping.
  14. did it also deliver in Belgium (without to much transportation costs)?
  15. I made the empty space red, so taht you can see it better.
  16. at first I was like why didn't you tell earlier, but it's for xbox so meh
  17. Stop using that stupid thing D: Anyway, taming creepers? I thought taming spiders so you could ride om them would be better. I know right, it's like a full stop for me. I will stop from now.
  18. already pre-ordered because of the pressure from my friends + I want to get a five killstreak and drive that RC car till I run out of fuel xD I'm buying on the pc though, so yeah NO XBOX GAMERTAGZ FO U. btw the next cod seems like it's gonna be the MoH of this year.
  19. *Summon giant gorrila-thing* And then the epic fight with awesome music began against the dragons. One of the things you missed
  20. yet, can't be tamed yet
  21. Next up
  22. It rlly looks nice emra, it seems that he puts the empty ammo clip back in though xD
  23. so euhm emra, should we be expecting dein kampf soon and start hiding some sort or race of people? Just asking.
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